Re: A82: Calls and OP(X) + FP number stuff...
Re: A82: Calls and OP(X) + FP number stuff...
1.) If you are using Ash you would do a ROM_CALL($37E8-$1A). The reason
for this is that
82-ROM uses adresses for rom version 19, and Ash expects adresses for
rom version 16,
17 or 18.
2.) If you look in 82-ROM you will find that there are actually lots of
rutines which
does what you want. The problem with them is that no one with rom
version 16,17 or 18
has found the adresses for them so it do not know if you can use them.
Using the OPs
for math operetion is actually quite easy just place the numbers in
the OPs and call
the math rutines (also listed in 82-ROM).
3.) The FP Stack is actually just a stack used for Floating Point numbers
(therefore the
name FP stack). What tables are you talking about ? Just the misc
tables found in the
rom or the table functions ?
Dines Justesen
Email: or
On Sat, 16 Aug 1997, ilya winham wrote:
> 1.)I was looking at the TI-82 guide to ROM Calls and I was wondering
> how to call them. Here is an example:
> CALL 37E8 (152A2) -- Display char A using small font
> Do I do a ROM_CALL (37E8)??
> 2.)Can someone please explain to me how I can use OP1-OP6 to do some
> math operations. How to store and recall/display stuff to/from them.
> 3.)Can someone also explain the FP stack and what the tables are that
> are built into the calc.
> 4.)What operations destroy the GRAPH_MEM(2) and TEXT_MEM.
> Thanks in advance for your help.