Re: A82: coordinates
Re: A82: coordinates
At 04:16 PM 8/15/97 -0600, you wrote:
>when placing a sprite at (x,y) how are the screen coordinates setup?
>Like the Pxl-on in basic? Please fill in this diagram if you know.
> (0,0) x->(+)? (96,0)
> --------------------
> - | | y
> \ | | |
> + | | v
> ^ | | +
> | | | /
> y | | -
> | |
> --------------------
> (0,63) ?(-)<-x (96,63)
>Thank You. (Hope you can read the diagram ;=)
Well, the rom routine FIND_PIXEL does them backwards (the layout can be
found in if you are interested), but this is corrected for in
that PutSprite routine I posted, so when using that, the upper left corner
is (0,0) and the bottom right is (96,63)