Re: A82: Sprite routine for ash


Re: A82: Sprite routine for ash

At 02:53 PM 8/14/97 -0600, you wrote:
>What is the simplest way (doesn't have to be the fastest) to display a  
>8x8 sprite at, say, (B,C) using Ash.

PutSprite: 		; Puts a sprite stored at (HL) at B,C  (by Jimmy Mardell)
 push 	bc
 push 	de
 ld 	a,63
 sub 	c
 ld 	c,a
 push 	hl
 push 	hl
 call 	$4166
 ld 	de,$88B8
 add 	hl,de
 ex 	de,hl
 pop 	hl
 ld 	b,(hl)
 inc 	hl
 ld 	c,(hl)
 inc 	hl
 push 	hl
 pop 	ix
 ex 	de,hl
 push 	bc
 ld 	d,(ix)
 inc 	ix
 push 	af
 push 	hl
 rl 	d
 ld 	e,a
 jr 	nc,PS_NoPixel
 or 	(hl)
 ld 	(hl),a
 jr 	PS_NextPixel
 and 	(hl)
 ld 	(hl),a
 ld 	a,e
 jr 	nc,PS_SameByte
 inc 	hl
 djnz 	PS_NewCol
 pop 	hl
 pop 	af
 ld 	de,12
 add 	hl,de
 pop 	bc
 dec 	c
 jr 	nz,PS_NewRow
 pop 	hl
 pop 	de
 pop 	bc

This is for non-aligned sprites, if you only need to do aligned ones, it is
much simpler, faster and smaller.  Remember to set the rom page to 4 before
trying to use this routine, as it uses FIND_PIXEL.


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