A82: Program Ideas
A82: Program Ideas
Here are some games I think should be put on the 82:
Excitebike - a simple side view would be fine
A 3d tunnel game
Boxworld-Kwirk like game (overhead puzzle)
2 player combat game (Remember Combat on the Atari?)
Freestyle ski jumping game
Missle Command
A shooting gallery game
And of course Tetris, Breakout, and Mines
Programs that would be neat (if possible):
Mandelbrot generator
3d mountain (just wireframe) generator
any screen savers
periodic table of the elements
Dream program:
I would like to see a program that helps with recording CDs to tape.
It would take a list of songs' lengths and sort them so they can best fit
onto the tape. It would ask if you were dubbing onto a 60 or 90 minute
tape. I hate having big blanks in a recording or cutting off the end of a
song accidently.