Re: A82: Projects?
Re: A82: Projects?
At 07:59 PM 8/5/97 -0400, you wrote:
>In a message dated 97-08-05 19:46:35 EDT, you write:
><< About your problem with the keyport, it really is going that fast. Direct
> keypad access is mainly used for games that require speed. SameGame is NOT
> one of these games. I recommend using call GETKEY in this case.
> >>
>well, I want to use there another way to detect 2nd other than
>direct access? Maybe your little kit may be of use to me after all...
You can use either call GETKEY or Multi_Key to detect this. ROM_GETKEY
will just display the arrow in the upper right corner. I don't normally
use GETKEY unless I absolutely have to. This is because the syntax to my
Multi_Key routine is so easy to understand. To use Multi_Key to detect the
[2nd] key, just put Multi_Key(KEY_21) on its own line, then just go
directly to a CALL_() statement.
Thomas J. Hruska --
Shining Light Productions -- "Meeting the needs of fellow programmers"