Re: A82: Projects?
Re: A82: Projects?
In a message dated 97-08-05 19:46:35 EDT, you write:
<< Use my Multi_Key routine found in the ASH <-> OShell-82 Development Kit.
It uses TI-Basic's GetKey syntax as its input and the zero register as its also masks out all the keys except the one you request.
"Ghost" key combinations are the only bugs (and that is a hardware
problem...nothing with my routine). Also, only the flags register is
destroyed with this routine. This routine will be the LAST keypad routine
you will EVER use.
About your problem with the keyport, it really is going that fast. Direct
keypad access is mainly used for games that require speed. SameGame is NOT
one of these games. I recommend using call GETKEY in this case.
ROM_GETKEY (or ROM_CALL(_GETKEY) depending on whether or not you are using
the Development Kit) is used mainly as a pausing feature in games. When
using call GETKEY, I recommend having some variable tell what key was last
pressed and another variable for key-repeats (if the key is held for a
while). Based on these variables, you can determine whether to accept the
key received from GETKEY or not.
I hope I could be of help.
ok, I solved the problem by HALTing 12 times in the CURSOR_KEY_LOOP
now, all I really need is a good random routine (anybody?) cause the one I
currently use was just whipped up so I could start coding.
my problem is that I use the routine 96 times in a row, without many
instructions in between, so it becomes a pattern. (espescially if you look at
the homescreen and see all the weird chars :-P)
I asked Martin Hock (, creator of Insane Game) for his
routine, but he must be on vacation or something, so I am asking you ppl
» §ÇÏÎ stupid question, get a stupid ÄÑ$Í!!! «