Re: A82: fast multiply...


Re: A82: fast multiply...

At 12:02 1997-08-03 +0200, you wrote:
> This is directly from "Programming the Z80" by Rodney Zaks. It's very 
>optimized, but it could be unrolled to further speed it up. 
>   ;HL=L*E 
>    ld B, 8 
>   MULT: 
>    add HL, HL 
>    jr nc, NOADD 
>    add HL, DE 
>   NOADD: 
>    djnz MULT 
>On Sat, 3 Aug 1996, Lars Ahlzén wrote:
>> Hello!
>> As the Z80 doesn't have a multiply instruction (which is almost
>> necessary for star-scrolls and things like that) then I've tried to do
>> my own routines. It surely works, but I think it takes more than 80
>> cycles to execute. (here's the code:)
>> Multiply:
>> ; Multiplies b and de and gives the product in hl
>>     ld  hl,0
>>     ld  a,1
>> mulloop:
>>     ld  c,a
>>     and b
>>     jr  z,noadd
>>     add hl,de
>> noadd:
>>     ld  a,c
>>     sla e
>>     rl  d
>>     add a,a
>>     jr  nc,mulloop
>>     ret
>> Someone must have written a faster way of mulitplying two 8-bit numbers
>> than this, or...? If so, could you reply to this and show your routines?
>> (by the way: is there a fast way for integer division, too?)
>> Lars Ahlzen
>Henrik Edlund                    Piett Productions
>  "They were in the wrong place at the wrong time.
>Naturally they became heroes."
>                  Leia Organa of Alderaan, Senator

Thanks a lot for the code! That piece should be a lot faster than mine!

