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   Home :: Community :: Surveys :: How many calculators do you carry with you to school?
Choice Votes   Percent
I'm not going to school. 14 2.5%   
None. 8 1.4%   
1. 284 50.7%   
2. 192 34.3%   
3. 38 6.8%   
4. 9 1.6%   
5 or more. 15 2.7%   

Survey posted 2001-01-21 23:05 by Andy Selle.

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Re: How many calculators do you carry with you to school?
Dean Menezes  Account Info
(Web Page)

I usually carry 2, but only 1 is graphing. The graphing calculator is a Casio fx9750g+ and the scientific calc is Casio fx82L ( for backup in case the graphing runs out of batteries ) I don't see the point in carrying 2 or more High-Level graphics calculators.

Reply to this comment    14 March 2006, 23:52 GMT

Re: How many calculators do you carry with you to school?
Arthur Baron Account Info
(Web Page)

I carry two, my TI-82 and TI-89.

Reply to this comment    21 January 2001, 23:16 GMT

Re: Re: How many calculators do you carry with you to school?
eniyi  Account Info
(Web Page)

Nobody here carries 4 calculators, but me. When I voted, I was the only one who carries 4 calculators.
I carry a TI-83 Plus, a TI-30x, a Casio watch with calculator and a non-scientific Sharp calculator.

Reply to this comment    22 January 2001, 10:49 GMT

Re: Re: Re: How many calculators do you carry with you to school?
Ted Burton  Account Info
(Web Page)

I'm the second 4-calc person. I usually carry my 83, 85, 86, and 89. Occasionally this varies (for example, I carry a TI-34 scientific in addition to the other four when going to math competitions) to either 3 or 5. For the past week or so, my 83 has been AWOL after I made the mistake of loaning my 83 to the wrong person during history. (Note to self: check with history teacher on that.) I'm currently carrying an 85, 86, 89 and 34. Unlike most people, I literally never leave home without my 89, if not the rest of my calcs as well. To aid in this, as well as protect them from theft and/or unauthorized borrowing, I carry mine in my cargo pockets (probably the one good thing to come from the fact that my school requires pants (female students are permitted to wear skirts, but that does little for the guys (including me), or at least nothing mentionable here) I have often wondered why we must wear pants when the school is in Miami).

Please pardon all the odd ponderances in the above paragraph; there is some significance and relevance hidden in there. I have been cramming for midterms for several hours, and my verbal side was getting tired of physics and ToK (Theory of Knowledge).

Reply to this comment    23 January 2001, 02:12 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: How many calculators do you carry with you to school?
Cireja Baril  Account Info
(Web Page)


Dá-me um pouco de atenção amor.... Só quero que saibas o que me vai no coração....!
Queria que lesses isto com calma porquep foi escrito com todo o amor do Mundo e mais algum, com todo o meu amor e mais nenhum, para ti, por ti!
Eu queria apenas dizer-te as mais lindas palavras do mundo.... é essa a minha vontade desde o primeiro momento em que soube que existias.... desde o primeiro momento em que ouvi o teu nome... Fatinha. Eu queria ser um poeta e ter aquela voz que vem da alma, do coração, e dizer-te num grito de bem fundo: Amo-te!!! Conseguiste ouvir, sentir quanto sentimento ficou expresso naquela palavra? Dei tudo o que tinha e mais que viesse! Apenas para conseguires entender o quanto te amo... porque é só por ti que bate o meu coração... porque é só por ti que eu sofro... porque és só tu que eu amo! Só tu....
E se nalguma noite limpa estrelada de Lua Cheia ouvires ao fundo o eco da voz de alguém a gritar de longe, de bem longe como do meu olhar ao teu: Fatinha amo-te!!! Não te preocupes... lembra-te que posso ser apenas eu a tentar dizer ao Mundo que não posso viver sem ti!...
E ao som desta linda musica que vai dentro de mim, que oiço na minha cabeça e que me toca o coração... (queria tanto que pudesses ouvi-la!...É linda amor!) Do fundo do coração eu juro que te amo!!!
Eu queria joelhar-me na branca areia da praia e ficar a olhar para ti como se estivesse a adorar um Anjo, sereno... Um Anjo que aprecia o entardecer do por do Sol numa amena tarde de Verão na praia de Sesimbra... tu! Queria ficar a olhar para a serenidade do teu olhar... louco! De leve a suave brisa toca nos teus cabelos fa-los ondular como se estivessem a brincar contigo... esses teus lindos cabelos doirados pela ténue luz laranja do por do Sol. E com essas tuas lindas mãos tentas concerta-los.... lindas, fofas, queridas, morenas, amorosas... como tu, como o pele do teu rosto, moreno... como as tuas bochechas amor, tao queridas amore!... amo-te, amo-te, amo-te!!! Deixas-me de rastos!... Deixas-me louco, louco para te amar!... E enquanto esses teus cabelos lindos brincam ao sabor da brisa passeando pele da tua cara, abrilhantada pelo reflexo da luz do por do Sol... no mar, deixas em alguém a eternidade de um sofrimento pela saudade de um momento, assim...
Com a tua magia o mar parou, calou-se, ouve-se o silêncio... só eu oiço o som das minhas lagrimas a cair, que me arrancam eesta dor da alma à medida que as vejo a pingar dos olhos......... Só eu sei o quanto me custa sussurrar: Fatinha... Amo-te...! E só eu sei o quanto me custa escrever: Quem te ama sou eu!
E enquanto olhas para o horizonte não ouves que as lágrimas de alguém caíram voaram em silêncio com a brisa... Quando a mesma brisa tocar o teu rosto ficas a saber que elas caíram... E não vês que alguém sussurra em sofrimento: Fatinha... Amo-te...! E não sabes que quem te ama foi quem escreveu: Quem te ama sou eu!

Amo-te a sério! E vou até ao fim do Mundo por ti!

Amo-te! Sérgio Cruz

Reply to this comment    23 January 2001, 22:29 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How many calculators do you carry with you to school?
Aaron Volenec  Account Info

What in the world? Why they posted this, I don't know, but I thinke it is some sort of poem in Portuguese. Here's what the Fish-of-Many-Languages says it is:


It wanted...!

It gives to me a little of attention love... I only want that you know what it goes me in the heart....! It wanted all that you read this with calm porquep was written with all the love of the World and plus some, with my love and plus none, for you, for you! I only wanted to say you the prettiest words of the world... I am this my will since the first moment where he knew that you existed... since the first moment where I heard your name... Fatinha. I wanted to be a poet and to have that voice that comes of the soul, the heart, and to say you in an shout of deep good: I love you! You obtained to hear, to feel how much feeling was express in that word? I gave everything what it had and more than came! But to obtain to understand how much I love you... because it is alone for you that it beats my heart... because it is alone for you that I suffer... because you are alone that I love! Only you... E if nalguma covered with star clean Full Moon night to hear to the deep o echo of the voice of somebody to cry out of far, of good far as of my look to yours: Fatinha I love you! You are not worried... remembers to you that I can be only to try to say to the World that I cannot live without you... E to the sound of this pretty musica that goes inside of me, that oiço in my head and that it touches me the heart... (it wanted as much that you could I heard-la!... Is pretty love) Of deep of the heart I swear that I love you! I wanted to joelhar me in the white sand of the beach and to be to look at for you as if he was to adore an Angel, night watchman... An Angel who late appreciates entardecer of the one for of the Sun in a amena of Summer in the beach of Sesimbra... you! He wanted to be to look at for the serenity of your wild look...! Of light the soft breeze it touches in your hair fa them to wave as if were to play with you... these your pretty hair doirados for ténue light orange of the one for of the Sun and with these your pretty hands you try adjusts them... pretty, fofas, queridas, colored people, lovers... as you, as the skin of your face, colored person... as yours bochechas love, tao wanted amore... I love you, I love you, I love you! You leave me of tracks... You leave me wild, wild to love you... E while these your pretty hair play to the flavor of the breeze taking a walk skin of your face, abrilhantada for the consequence of the light of the one for of the Sun... in the sea, you leave in somebody the eternidade of a suffering for the homesickness of a moment, thus... With your magic the sea stopped, kept silent, hears oiço silence... I the sound of mine lagrimas to only fall, that they pull out me eesta pain of the soul to the measure that I see them to drip of the eyes I only know how much he costs me to whisper: Fatinha... I love you...! E alone I know how much he costs me to write: Who loves you is I! E while you look at for the horizon you do not hear that the tears of somebody had fallen had flied in silence with the breeze... When the same breeze to touch your face you are to know that they had fallen... E you do not see that somebody whispers in suffering: Fatinha... I love you...! E you do not know that who loves you was who wrote: Who loves you is I!

I love you serious it! E I go until the o end of the World for you!

I love you! Sergio Cruz

Reply to this comment    25 January 2001, 00:19 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How many calculators do you carry with you to school?
calcgenius  Account Info

you took the words out of my moutyh.It is portuguese for i know portuguese.it is my sentiments exactly.WHy in the wrold is that on a calc web site?Somebody extradite him to bellview........

Reply to this comment    25 January 2001, 03:50 GMT

lord_nightrose Account Info

heh... fish of many languages...

Funny how "the world's most efficient translating software" translates

"Where is the CD store"


"Donde esta el almacen 'COPIA MAS OSCURA'?"

which in turn re-translates as

"Where is the warehouse 'DARKER COPY'?"

God bless technology.

Reply to this comment    31 January 2001, 21:47 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How many calculators do you carry with you to school?
(Web Page)

honestly, what is this? anyway i carry a TI-92 and a TI-34x solar calc (just in case my 92s batteries get low or i dont feel like carrying my 92 with me.)

Reply to this comment    27 January 2001, 16:31 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How many calculators do you carry with you to school?
Paulo Marques  Account Info
(Web Page)

I'm bewilderd... Damn, i wish i could write like that! Well, the beginning was great, in went a little bad in the middle, but congratulations on being able to love.

Oh, but don't drink that much when your with her :)
(Yeah, I'm portuguese too, AND IT ISN'T A PART OF SPAIN!)
Why the hell did you wrote that here, dude? You should say that TO HER!
And, well... can I copy it? :)

Um abraço rapaz, e boa sorte, mas olha que elas não merecem ;)

Paulo Marques

Reply to this comment    29 January 2001, 14:44 GMT

Calculadoras?!?!? dasss
Cireja Baril  Account Info

Men I don't drink wen I'm with her, and I don't drink at all! Percebes? Fodass não gosto de escrever em inglês. Ya tb sou português e apaixonado (mt apaixonado!) por uma portuguesa, (haaaaaa portuguesa...!) DE PORTUGAL NÃO É ESPANHA! Tens razão ha por ai uns cromos que gostam mt de confundir Portugal com Espanha. Que sena...
Escrevi aquilo assim derrepente e mais por graça decidi meter para aqui.
Tas à vontade para copiar, (eu sei que já o fizeste) mas depois existem os direitos de autor! ;)
haaa, e lembra-te que elas merecem tudo tudo TUDO! afinal são elas as mães do Mundo. Percebeste?
Xau porta-te bem!

Reply to this comment    29 January 2001, 22:18 GMT

Re: Calculadoras?!?!? dasss
Paulo Marques  Account Info
(Web Page)

E tb as putas do mundo, olha q tenho uma q me fodeu...
E ainda n copiei...
(nothing you want me to translate)

Reply to this comment    31 January 2001, 01:09 GMT

Re: Re: Calculadoras?!?!? dasss
Cireja Baril  Account Info
(Web Page)

Men don't be like that... be cool! Have fun!

Reply to this comment    31 January 2001, 14:30 GMT

Re: Calculadoras?!?!? dasss
lord_nightrose Account Info

Translated as...

You perceive? Fodass taste not to write in English. Ya tb Portuguese and I am gotten passionate (gotten passionate TM) for a Portuguese, (haaaaaa Portuguese...) OF PORTUGAL IT IS NOT SPAIN! You have ratio ha for ai cromos that like TM to confuse Portugal with Spain. That sena... I wrote to that thus derrepente and more for favour I decided to put for here. You to the will to copy, (I know that already you made it) but later the copyrights exist! haaa, and remembers to you that they deserve everything everything EVERYTHING! after all mothers of the World are they them. You perceived? Xau carries you upper-class!

Reply to this comment    31 January 2001, 21:49 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: How many calculators do you carry with you to school?
grinik  Account Info

Pants are rotten. I live in northeast Ohio and I have wore shorts to school every day so far this school year (and all but 3 days last school year).

Reply to this comment    24 January 2001, 02:21 GMT

Re: How many calculators do you carry with you to school?
David  Account Info
(Web Page)

I voted that I carried three calcs because I did last year. Unfortunately, my 83's condition has fallen to the point that I just keep it next to my computer now (great spot, really). I have always loved my TI-89, but I have found a new appreciation for its AMS now that I am in AP Calc. If any of you out there are considering higher math courses, this calc is worth its weight in gold *hint*. :) (My third calc is a TI-83 plus that I bought to replace my 83)

I love that TICalc cares so much about the quality of these replies. I don't know what I would do if they ever condensed their posting guidelines any.

Reply to this comment    24 January 2001, 08:32 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: How many calculators do you carry with you to school?
calcgenius  Account Info

what a loser!!

Reply to this comment    25 January 2001, 03:46 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: How many calculators do you carry with you to school?

Get a life

Reply to this comment    29 January 2001, 23:38 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: How many calculators do you carry with you to school?
Jon Henshaw  Account Info
(Web Page)

Why not wear a skirt? They'll get mad at you, send you home and give you a detention, most likely. Then file a sexual discrimination suit and yank ten million dollars off them and retire. Hell, if you can make the counterboy at McDonalds refill your coffe if it's cold (albeit grudgingly) and then sue their asses for fifteen million, and WIN, then you should be able to get away with something semi-reasonable like this. Or maybe not. You can never tell.


Reply to this comment    1 February 2001, 03:00 GMT

Re: Re: Re: How many calculators do you carry with you to school?
Kevin McCollum  Account Info
(Web Page)

I also carry 4. . I have my 83+, 89, 92, And Handspring Visor Deluxe. .

Reply to this comment    23 January 2001, 04:59 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: How many calculators do you carry with you to school?
Ryan Pelletier  Account Info

89, 92+, and the good old PDA (cassiopeia A22T)

Reply to this comment    23 January 2001, 19:42 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How many calculators do you carry with you to school?
T:-:T  Account Info
(Web Page)

I used to carry around 4 or 5...They were an 82, 83, 83plus, and some other regular ones... but now i carry an 89, 83 plus, and a TI-30XIIBS. I cannot find a 92 or 92plus ANYWHERE!!! Where do you get them at??? Can someone please tell me?

Reply to this comment    24 January 2001, 20:46 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How many calculators do you carry with you to school?
Trevor Keller  Account Info
(Web Page)

Oops, forgot the PDA. I carry a TI-92+, TI-86, and Palm III (getting slightly outdated...)
I got my 92+ off the Internet, from Amazon.com.

Reply to this comment    25 January 2001, 00:20 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How many calculators do you carry with you to school?
damian Ancukiewicz  Account Info
(Web Page)

I also forgot, not realizing that a PDA really is a calculator. That makes it two calcs, TI-86 and Palm IIIxe.

P.S. Does anyone know if it is possible to make a TI-89 emulator for Palm? They seem like perfect matches. The Palm uses the same 68k architecture (does 68328 have any major differences from 68000?), although with a faster processor, and has a similar screen, although it is 60 pixels longer. So if you rewrote the screen, keyboard and memory handling (I believe there's a chip in the TI-89 that has some math functions, you might need to program that in too), wouldn't you have a functional TI-89? I don't really know much on this subject, but it looks like it's possible...

Reply to this comment    25 January 2001, 01:32 GMT

Stephen Sanders  Account Info
(Web Page)

No offense to anyone who carries more than one TI calc to school each day, but why do you do it? I am in Algebra II/Trig and all I need is my 89. I can understand owning more than one but taking more than one to school, I just don't get it.

Reply to this comment    27 January 2001, 02:01 GMT

Re: Why?
n1zdy  Account Info

Well there are those of us that are the supplier of games and various math programs that other people either don't have the Graph Link or the smarts(or time) to program these calculators. They rely on geeks like me to bring them to them. That's why I have access to bringing an 86, 83 ,83+, and an 89 around for these issues. Well that's all I've got for now.
The ti/band geek

Reply to this comment    27 January 2001, 02:47 GMT

Re: Re: Why?
Nightbird Account Info

Heh yeah, i have 2 calcs, ti83 and a ti31 or something(don't know about the last one)
I have the other one so when we have a test in my bio class i don't have to worry about getting another calc

Reply to this comment    27 January 2001, 19:16 GMT

BHW Calc
jgworthey  Account Info

I have an 83+,82,30X,30,89, Casio GX2 (or something like that), and a Sharp non-scientific calc. That's 7! Take that, everyone else!

Reply to this comment    19 February 2004, 18:29 GMT

Re: Why?
Steve Bender  Account Info

I agree with you. Why do you need to bring more than one graphing calculator to school. I can understand bringing a simple scientific calculator just incase the graphing one dies. Even if you just use it for games, one is still enough to bring to school.

I guess the ones that bring more than one graphing calculator to school are nerds trying to show off to all the kids at school, thinking that they'll be the coolest kids in school if they have the most graphing calculators.

Get a life

Reply to this comment    29 January 2001, 03:53 GMT

Re: Why?
Skiddy Skiddy
(Web Page)

Here here!

Reply to this comment    29 January 2001, 08:40 GMT

Re: Re: Why?
Jon Henshaw  Account Info
(Web Page)

Eh. If you'd take the time away from insulting "geeks"
and "nerds" for carrying more than one calculator, and
maybe stay away from those all-night drinking parties,
perhaps you'd know enough English to realize that it's spelled "hear, hear." The reason people carry more than one calc is because they're packrats. I personally carry four: an 89, for game-playing and the advanced AMS tech that really helps in Trig, higher Algebra, and any AP course, my old 82 in case a teacher doesn't want you to use it (i.e. some Alg teachers, because the 89 can solve equations), a TI-30X or something like that for one teacher who doesn't let us use graphing calcs because text/notes can be stored on them, and a midget calc on my keychain for quick calculations on the fly at the lunch line or whatever. I usually end up loaning alot of these out on test days too. People generally carry all their calcs with them simply "in case." It's like losers (you, perhaps?) who carry rubbers around in their wallets "just in case" they happen to meet a really hot person of the femal gender that just happens to be blind and deaf. You don't need it, but there's no real downside (they don't weigh much) and it makes you feel better knowing that you have it if you DO need it for some obscure reason. Keep looking. I'm sure Blind-as-a-Batgirl is out there somewhere.


Reply to this comment    1 February 2001, 02:30 GMT

Re: Re: Re: How many calculators do you carry with you to school?
prabal  Account Info
(Web Page)

hehe i carry 4 calcs tooo.. i have my 89, 83+, my trusty 86 (my oldest graphing calc), and a scientific, 36x solar which is my oldest calc... in college i make use of all of them surprisingly.. esp when u take more than 2 math oriented classes (university) such as physics, chemistry, calculus, c++, c, asm, and so forth each teacher(S) has a different calculator that they allow in their classes

Reply to this comment    30 January 2001, 01:02 GMT

Re: Re: Re: How many calculators do you carry with you to school?
Spiro Account Info

I also carry four calcs.

CALC What I use/have used them for.
TI-92+ <- Single/Multi-variable Calculus (CALC I-III)
Diff. Eq.
Discrete Mathematics
Quantitative Analysis/Theory
TI-83+ <- General Algebra & Calc
Linear Algebra
Casio FX-795P <- Programmer's Calc [BASIC & Assembly]
Casio PB-2000C <- Programmer's Calc[ANSI C]

The 92+ is great but can be too large and awkward. Many instructors (who are aware of its capabilities) do not allow its use for tests. It is still my favorite calculator.

The 83+ is normal in size and is quick & easy to use, I use this one a lot for quick calculations...

The others are older, so probably not anyone cares about them.

That's my 2 Cents worth...

Reply to this comment    31 January 2001, 18:15 GMT

Re: Re: Re: How many calculators do you carry with you to school?
daniel naranjo  Account Info

I carry 5 calculators one TI82, one TI83, one casio CFX-9850G , one TI81 and one HP.

Reply to this comment    18 April 2002, 03:46 GMT

Re: Re: How many calculators do you carry with you to school?
Probyte Account Info
(Web Page)

I carry three and sometimes more calculators to school - My TI-83, TI-32x, and a SHARP. I often will bring other people's calcs home to upload games onto them just to do them anti-Graph-Link people a favor :-)

Reply to this comment    22 January 2001, 19:55 GMT

Re: Re: How many calculators do you carry with you to school?
Henk Poley  Account Info

Indeed just two of them:

My Ti-83, and

And my "TI-30X SOLAR", that one just resides in with my other schoolstuff, in case I forgot to pack my Ti-83...

Reply to this comment    22 January 2001, 21:39 GMT

Re: Re: Re: How many calculators do you carry with you to school?
Jimmy Pardey  Account Info

I always have a Casio FX-991W in my pocket, and most of the time my TI-83 Plus is near me.

Reply to this comment    23 January 2001, 20:43 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: How many calculators do you carry with you to school?
Mammoth_Mk.2 Account Info

just 1
i just have my TI-92 Plus with me at all times
thats ALL

Reply to this comment    25 January 2001, 23:21 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How many calculators do you carry with you to school?
Mammoth_Mk.2 Account Info

except when im at home

Reply to this comment    25 January 2001, 23:26 GMT

Re: Re: How many calculators do you carry with you to school?
Michael Hill  Account Info

I carry 3, one is with me at all times.

TI-89, with me at all times.
TI-85, emergency remaining in my locker.
TI-30IIs (I believe) - Also in my locker.

Reply to this comment    22 January 2001, 22:26 GMT

Re: Re: How many calculators do you carry with you to school?
amnt_jim Account Info

I only carry my 92plus. It has all the games that I play during class.

Reply to this comment    29 January 2001, 03:33 GMT

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