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WonderConj 4.1 [Spanish]


Ranked as 25712 on our all-time top downloads list with 2291 downloads.

Filename wonderconjspanish.zip (Download)
Title WonderConj 4.1 [Spanish]
Description This program is capable of conjuagting sixty-two inflections of most Spanish verbs. Download updates for irregular verbs. Includes eighty irregular verbs. Al Dio estu la glorio.
Author Daniel Wolfe (kcar1986@comcast.net)
Category TI-89 BASIC Misc. Programs (Language)
File Size 35,697 bytes
File Date and Time Wed Mar 5 17:03:04 2003
Documentation Included? Yes


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Archive Contents
Name Size
Documentation.html   9057
Enter Screen.gif   2437
Irregular Conjugations.gif   2388
Irregular Infinitives.gif   2056
Irregular List.gif   2863
Menu.gif   1914
Regular Conjugations.gif   2534
Regular Infinitives.gif   2093
Select Screen.gif   2364
Spanish Irregular Verbs.v2c   25174
Spanish Regular Verb Endings.v2c   4127
Start Screen.gif   1716
Tense Menu.gif   3312
WonderConj Engine 4.1 [Spanish].v2p   4746

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