| Name | Size | Date | Rating | Description |
| (Parent Dir) | folder | | Up to Informational Files |
 | 83pa28dchm.zip | 293k | 05-03-09 |  | Learn TI-83 Plus Assembly In 28 Days v2.0 (CHM) Learn how to program the TI-83 Plus graphing calculator with this syllabus of no less than twenty-eight information-packed lessons. The material covered ranges from calculator-specific to general Z80, and even to assembly in general, so even if you do not own a TI-83 Plus, you will still find the information of use. |
 | 83pa28d.zip | 397k | 04-05-10 |  | Learn TI-83 Plus Assembly In 28 Days v2.0 Learn how to program the TI-83 Plus graphing calculator with this syllabus of no less than twenty-eight information-packed lessons. The material covered ranges from calculator-specific to general Z80, and even to assembly in general, so even if you do not own a TI-83 Plus, you will still find the information of use. |
 | anoverviewoftheti83pluspr.zip | 11k | 08-11-29 |  | An Overview of the TI-83 PLUS Processor This document gives an overview of the TI-83 Plus Z80 processor core....including the Z80 structure and some undocumented instruction sets.... |
 | apb.zip | 714k | 03-04-25 |  | TI-83 Plus Assembly Programming Basics on Always wanted to learn .z80 Assembly? This pack was put together for those people who, like me, wanted to learn ASM. I had to search, and with the help of a friend finally found all the files I needed. This pack was created so that YOU would not need to waste time seaching for the proper files, and confusing yourself. This contains all the files you need to start programming in ASM. Just download and unzip it, and you are ready to begin. Note: This file does NOT just contain the Assembler, it also has a guide to 83+ programming included which will lead you through the steps, assuming you know NOTHING about programming. So, in a final note, have fun learning TI-83 Plus ASM, it may just be you are the next hit programmer. Good Luck! |
 | asmfor83.zip | 20k | 99-05-02 |  | Asm pour 83 This is a help file for Z80 french programmers. |
 | asmguru.zip | 226k | 99-01-04 |  | TI-83 ASM Tutorials v3.1 Help File for W95 57 tutorials |
 | asmhelp.zip | 274k | 97-08-24 |  | TI-83 ASM Help File v1.0 TI-83 ASM Help File for Windows 95 v1.0 |
 | asmteach2.zip | 117k | 99-01-05 |  | MS Office 97 Version of Greg Parker's asmteach.zip ASMTEACH formatted for printing |
 | asmteach.zip | 17k | 97-07-24 |  | Greg Parker's Assembly Programming Lessons for ZShell |
 | assemblynotes.zip | 11k | 10-01-04 |  | Assembly Notes This is just a bunch of notes and some mini tutorials on assembly. About thirty or forty opcodes are included. |
 | beethoven_z80_sound.zip | 140k | 04-05-17 |  | TI Sound - All z80 TI's A packet of sound routines tested for all z80 TI's, even ZShell (85) and CrASH (82) :-) Please email me with feedback. The sample is Eric Cartman from the South Park Movie :-D |
 | calcnet_workstation_83.zip | 11k | 03-03-19 |  | CALCnet Workstation Driver v0.5 beta This is a very early version of the workstation section of the CALCnet drivers, a set of programs that allows up to 255 calculators to be connected together and share files. This version is unoptimized and still in progress, but look for the first final version soon. |
 | compressingstrings.zip | 1k | 02-07-22 |  | Compressing Strings for any caluclator well here is a concept for compressing your long strings. :-) |
 | compressiontechniques.zip | 24k | 04-04-06 |  | Compression Techniques In this file I explain some useful compression techniques. I also included the code for decompressors and compressors of some these techniques. Enlarge your world! Compress you data! :) Update: Addes some new techniques, like Huffman and Ziv & Lempel. |
 | ctoz80.zip | 9k | 05-09-24 |  | C to Z80 (version 0.1 beta) This explains how statements in a high-level language like C translate to Z80 assembly language. Topics include accessing global and local variables, expressions, indirection, and flow control structures (if/else, for, do/while, and while). This is currently a beta version, so please send me any feedback on how it can be improved. |
 | event.zip | 15k | 99-12-08 |  | Event Handler The Event Handler, as you will come to know it, is an interrupt driven routine which can be used to update your program's many tasks and offer you an easy way to quickly set something to update and never worry about it again. To make matters even better, Josh threw all the information you will ever need to know about the Event Handler into two tutorials aimed at the intermediate programmer, which help you easily implement the system into your own program. |
 | extasm83.zip | 21k | 02-07-22 |  | ExtASM83 V1.0 Extended Assembly 83. A follow-on to ASMGuru with intermediate programmers in mind. Designed to Bridge the gap between novice and expert written by a learning Z80 programmer. Covers a small 15 tutorails so far, but many more are on the way. |
 | eytca.zip | 101k | 06-09-17 |  | Expressing Yourself Through Calculator Assembly v1.1 A non-classical guide to programming TI-83 Plus/TI-84 Plus assembly. If you're willing, this will allow you to journey on the path of calculator assembly programming, and enjoy it at the same time. Also has concepts like motivation and hacking for you to think on. This update adds applications of the concepts. |
 | gbadocs.zip | 638k | 10-09-25 |  | GBALib English Documentation This is the english translation of the documentation for gbalib. Updates: Went through the whole thing again and rewrote some parts to fix typos and other small things. |
 | intguide.txt | 10k | 02-11-08 |  | The Guide to 83+ Interrupts This is a comprehensive guide to the interrupts on the 83+. Although it is written for the 83+, many parts of it can be applied to other z80 calculators. It has an in depth tutorial about interrupt mode 2, and it also covers mode 0 and 1. |
 | linkport.zip | 1201k | 03-06-12 |  | Ti-83 Link Port Tutorial A short tutorial that will teach you how to control the link port, and covers some of the basics of datatransmission. |
 | logic.txt | 1k | 97-07-13 |  | 8 Bit Logical Boolean Commands |
 | ndz80w2.pdf | 73k | 01-12-16 |  | No DUH! Guide to Z80 Assembly (Emergency release 0.01) I didnt realize that 1.2K people had downloaded the first version!! Oops. Unfortunately, I got slowed on this project because of school. Here are tutorials 1-7. |
 | noduhz80.pdf | 60k | 01-08-06 |  | No Duh! Guide to Z80 Assembly An UNDERSTANDABLE Guide to Z80 Assembly, catching most problems ranging from misinterpreted to moronic ... covers TI83/+ ASM |
 | opcodes.txt | 27k | 97-08-04 |  | Z80 Opcodes |
 | phoenixtools.zip | 5k | 03-09-21 |  | Tools for editing Phoenix I wrote this because some people might want to edit phoenix but don't know how to get the tools. Well this will help you. For TI-82/83/83plus/83plusSE/85/86. |
 | phx2ls.zip | 7k | 04-01-03 |  | Phoenix Tools (2nd Release) I've updated it to show how to compile for both Ion and MirageOS. |
 | programaciontibasic.zip | 406k | 07-09-17 |  | TI-Basic Programming Guide / Manual de Programación Ti-Basic [ENGLISH] TI-Basic programming guide, only in Spanish. [ESPAÑOL] Un guía muy completa para aquellos que quieren aprender a programar en Ti-Basic para los modelos 89, 92 y v200. Incluye muchas gráficas y links de interés. |
 | sprite.zip | 5k | 04-05-13 |  | Any Size Sprite Routines (z80) This works for the 72, 82, 83, 83+, 83+SE, 84+, 84+SE, 85, and 86. It has been thoroughly tested on the 83 ( Send(9 method), 83+ nostub, 82 CrASH, 85 ZShell, and 86 with and without a shell. it's tiny, being ~25 bytes for the routine and has an easy setup. Please ask me before ever using these for another program (I fu**ing hate code theft!). |
 | ti83asmfortheabsolutebegi.zip | 3200k | 11-05-28 |  | Hot Dog's Ti-83+ Z80 ASM for the Absolute Beginner This is a brand new set of tutorials for learning Ti-83+ ASM language. These lessons are meant for people who have no knowledge of ASM, including those who know Ti-Basic. I have recieved very positive feedback, including the ease of the lessons as opposed to a lesson such as "Learn ASM in 28 days." Included are 14 lessons, 5 appendicies and Windows/Macintosh/Linux files. |
 | ti83pasm.hlp | 336k | 00-06-05 |  | TI-83 Plus Asm Tutorials These are tutorials for learning TI-83 Plus Asm. This edition corrects spelling errors and technical information. Addtional tutorials will be available soon. |
 | ti83plusz80asmpreview.zip | 2771k | 10-05-31 |  | Hot Dog's TI-83 Plus Z80 ASM Lessons (Preview) Many of the ASM guides for the Ti-83+ have been difficult for people such as myself. I heard that there were many people who struggled even with "Learn TI-83+ ASM in 28 Days." So I set out to design a set of lessons, hoping to allow almost any TI-83+ Ti-Basic programmer to learn ASM. I have had nothing but good reviews so far. People who read these lessons say they now understand what "28 days" failed to explain to them, and they are anticipating the rest of the lessons. As such, I am posting a preview here. Feel free to visit http://www.omnimaga.org/index.php?board=95.0, as this is a work in progress. Also, remember this is a preview version. There may be typos. Please feel free to use the included files when lesson 4 calls for them Upgrade: The .zip file had a version of spasm that doesn't work. I have included the correct spasm.exe |
 | tutorielxlib.zip | 537k | 12-01-24 |  | tuto Xlib (french) The Xlib library lets you add your programs many graphical advantages, and that's why I made a tutorial for you, french programmers. This is a PDF. |
 | unification.zip | 10k | 05-12-21 |  | The TI-z80 Unification FAQ This FAQ helps programmers who program only for TI-82, TI-83 or TI-83+ to program for these 3 calcs at the same time. |
 | z80asmg.zip | 52k | 04-02-17 |  | Independent Z80 Assembly Guide A compact Z80 assembly guide in HTML (W3C validated) format. The material was written in a way that it can be used for ANY Z80 calculator or computer. The author has several years of experience in assembly programming, and would like to receive comments on the usefulness of the guide to improve future releases. Topics from basic to advanced level are to be included. |
 | z80assembler.zip | 1k | 06-10-08 |  | z80 syntax-highlight file This file contains the XML syntax highlighting description for asm z80 syntax using tpasm, for Kate, the KDE Advanced Editor. |
 | z80href.txt | 8k | 97-07-24 |  | Z80 Hardware Reference |
 | z80instrset.txt | 8k | 11-06-27 |  | Z80 Instruction Set Reference This concise Z80 instruction set reference is a compilation that is normally strewn between several different documentations. Included are undocumented opcodes, clock cycle times for all opcodes, affected flags info, byte code patterns, and short descriptions. Best of all, it can be printed in just two or three pages. Update: Fixed some cycle timings. |
 | z80instr.txt | 19k | 97-09-09 |  | Z80 Instruction Set Summary |
 | z80iss.txt | 13k | 97-07-24 |  | Z80 Microprocessor Instruction Set Summary |
 | z80opcod.txt | 59k | 98-05-22 |  | Z80 Opcodes |
 | z80optim.zip | 41k | 06-03-18 |  | Z80 ASM Optimization Tricks - v2.1 Learn all the optimization tricks used in Z80 Assembly. Topics include Z80 ASM Literacy (how to properly communicate Z80 ASM notion), Time Consvervation, and Memory Conservation. This guide covers everything you'll need in order to write assembly programs with optimal efficiency. |
 | z80opt.zip | 56k | 00-08-18 |  | Z80 Optimization Technies v1.1 Advanced Z80 Assembler optimization techniques. Learn how to get the tighest code & most performing code to add thoses extra features. |
 | z80op.zip | 47k | 00-02-27 |  | Z80 OpCodes listing and Chart Z80 OpCodes listing and Chart (Includes Words & Star Office versions). Contains all the undocumented commands, their equivalent Hex values, timming with or without prefetch |
 | z80_reference.txt | 37k | 00-05-12 |  | The Complete Z80 Instruction Reference Contains ALL the Z80 instructions, including unsupported ones, along with clock times, sizes, flags affected, hex op-codes, names, and notes for all instructions in an easy-to-read spreadsheet format. |
 | z80table.xls | 25k | 02-06-01 |  | z80 opcode table opcode table |
 | z80table.zip | 105k | 11-01-09 |  | Z80 Tables There are seven Z80 tables in this .html file, which contain all the opcodes for Z80 Assembly instructions, perfect for HEX programmers, but also very useful for all Assembly Programmers. There are both official and unofficial and unofficial instructions, correctly labelled. This table can be found online at www.davidgom.co.cc/z80table.html. Also, making this table was very hard work and it shall not be released without David Gomes's authorization. Thanks. |
 | z80thick.zip | 314k | 12-05-29 |  | Thick Z80 Documentation |
 | z80time.txt | 10k | 97-07-13 |  | Z80 Opcode Timings |
 | z80.txt | 16k | 00-02-20 |  | The Perfect Z80 Instruction Set Summary Lists all instructions (even some "unsupported" ones) with their opcode, TIME, and altered FLAGS. Tried to make it as complete as possible. |
 | z80.zip | 12k | 03-10-19 |  | Complete Z80 instruction set In this table, you will find all the Z80 instructions, including undocumented ones, sorted by opcode. Timing information is also available for ALL instructions. Mirrored instructions are also mapped. An error in the timings has been corrected thanks to Michal Portes. |
 | zhc.zip | 116k | 12-03-14 |  | Zeda's Hex Codes Zeda's Hex Codes is a still growing list of opcodes that I have collected or created over the years. When I started this, I wanted to keep a comprehensive collection of codes in one place instead of scattered about the internet. BASIC programmers, have fun! Feel free to make suggestions or requests! |
 | zorc.zip | 16k | 11-01-23 |  | Zeda's Opcode Chart This chart gives information about Z80 opcodes including what they do and there hex values. It is not in its final stage, but it does have all of the mentioned info. This is useful for all you future hex programmers! ^-^ |
 | zticikbp.zip | 1k | 03-03-05 |  | TICI 1.0 PS/2 Keyboard Driver v0.8b Source Code This is the source code for the TICI 1.0 PS/2 keyboard driver, which lets you connect an external keyboard to you calculator. Check it out! |
 | zticimsp_source.zip | 1k | 02-11-01 |  | TICI 1.0 External PS/2 Mouse Driver v0.8 beta Source Code This is the source code for the beta version of the mouse driver for TICI 1.0, the new external hardware standard for TI calculators. It allows you to connect an external PS/2 mouse using a TICI 1.0 hub (plans in the hardware section of the TICalc archives). Use this as a stand-alone program, integrate it into your BASIC programs, or put it into your ASM programs! An amazing breakthrough in TI calculator hardware. |