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Last updated Friday, 20 June 2014
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Most popular file  Mario Island with 89,547 downloads.

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(Parent Dir)folder Up to TI-83/84 Plus Assembly Game Levels
4marioworlds.zip8k05-10-05File is not ratedAwesome, Janky, Farout and Radical
From the maker of A Romp In The Swamp comes 4 great mario worlds. Each one is difficult, full of detail and tons of freakin' fun. What are you waiting for? You've got you're work cut out for you if you're going to complete all four. Also be watching for Gnarly and Outragus coming soon! As always, email me with an commets or questions at driftinphish@hotmail.com orrrr just IM me (my screen name on AIM is also driftinphish). Thanks and enjoy. THESE ARE HIGH QUALITY MARIO (V2.0) WORLDS FOR ADVANCED MARIO PLAYERS. IF YOU WANT THE BEST, LOOK NO FURTHER. PS no screenshots becuase i want you to experience these first hand.
aaaaaali.zip4k11-04-01File is not ratedmario level pack I
This world contains 15 levels; the overall average difficulty is medium. The whole length is quite long. It always need to be careful, each level with be more difficult than the previous one and so need a better skill. Hope you enjoy it. The pack II is in progress.
aaaee.zip1k11-02-25File is not ratedExtra
This is the version with no errors, so please download this file, sorry for any inconvinience causes.
aarg.zip1k10-08-07File is not ratedAARG
This is an incredibly hard Mario level that my friend made. I've only beat it once, but it was so well made I've decided to share it.
abcdefgh.zip3k08-01-12File is not ratedABCDEFGH
This level set consists of 20 levels for you noobs out there. On one hand, my whole class of 100 students loved it and they cant stop playing it. Hopefully you will like them too. Enjoy!
abstract.zip12k07-03-09File is not ratedAbstract
Nine level sets that I thought were very interesting. You won't beat them on the first try. Once you get the hang of it, it becomes easier though.
abyss.zip15k08-06-22File is not ratedAbyss of Fantasy series
Mario and Bowser had fallen into the entrance to the Fantasy Realm. With a new world to conquer, Bowser will stop at nothing until he establishes dominion over this new parallel dimension. Only Mario could force the Koopa Overlord back out, through the realm's entrance, the Abyss of Fantasy. There are 3 levelsets; over 30 mysterious new lands to explore, each ending with a boss battle. Then, finish the Koopa king once and for all at the final showdown!
ad83p.zip1k02-01-01File is not ratedMario 1.2/2.0 - Arabian Desert
Arabian Desert is a moderately hard level (that is, until you face Bowser, he's nearly impossible!) for Mario 1.2 or 2.0.
adv.zip1k05-01-18File is not ratedInsane Adventure
OK. You have downloaded many levels from here probably and either they have been way too easy or incredibly lame and random. Download Insane Adventure, you will see for yourself that it is by far the best world. It has 3 insane but fun levels of of increasing diffuculty, followed by an intense Bowser level. Guess what. You can see all the ways you can die. There are no hidden floors or pits and no cannons firing from nowhere. Insane Adventure even takes place in an actual place which happens to be Bowser's Castle. The story behind it is in the readme. (Version 2.0 of Insane Adventure runs in Super Mario 1.2 or 2.0)
ahhomg.zip2k07-03-08File is not ratedAHH OMG
You may not believe this but these are my first levels. No one in my school can beat them besides me so have a go at it.
alist2.zip4k11-01-31File is not ratedLevels list
Again! Another list of worlds, this time four world are uploaded, levels: 4,4,5,5 difficulty: hard, hard, medium, medium it's good to practise your skills in mario!
alist.zip4k11-01-09File is not ratedLevels again
The second list of mario levels are uploaded, containing 15, 6, 3, 4 and 4 levels. The difficulty are below: medium, easy-medium, medium, medium and very easy-easy. Enjoy it!
allelements.zip2k05-11-19File is not ratedAll elements
Here is a level set that is great if you need ideas for levels. There are 13ish levels 64 colums long. There is no password so feel free to modify.
amnesia.zip6k03-12-07File rated 6.47Amnesia's World
Welcome to the crazy messed up zany place known as amnesia's world! 13 Levels of pure evil only mastered by two brave (and completely insane) souls. Send any comments to me by email.
angus.zip1k03-08-01File is not ratedMarioLevel-Angus' First
This is the first level I made a long time ago... before I even started programming. So its slightly crappy, and if you play the game, you'll notice that there's no finish bar at the end. I know now how to add that bar-thing... but I forgot the password to the level:P. Either way, I thought that it was still a fun level to play.
antmarlv.zip2k13-02-14File is not ratedAntique Mario Levels
No, no, no. Antique mario levels aren't really old levels. They're incredibly new! 12 levels packed with fun and surprises around the corner, this epic level pack will always please you and your friends.
arenafinal.zip1k03-10-13File is not ratedArena: Mario vs Bowser FINAL
This consists of 25 levels, 20 with Bowser. It takes up less RAM than most other Mario levels, and it is no easy task to beat. Until you beat it, you wont be able to stop playing it. (Read the Read-me)
arits.zip4k04-06-04File is not ratedA Romp In The Swamp
This is a re-release of "A Romp In the Swamp" (fixed some things). ARITS I consider to be a awsome world with inventive level design (sorry for the lack of screenshots), features like rewards for being small or taking risks, loads of value (13 levels, around 7.5k), and levels that increase in difficulty as you progress. But please don't take my word for it, download the thing. As Always, Email me with any questions, comments or suggestions at Driftinphish@hotmail.com.
atlantis.zip2k02-01-01File rated 4.61ATLANTIS
My 1st level I have made. It is very difficult. Watch out the routes you take and the moves you do. It has levels 1 thru 5. Enjoy!
attsmland1.zip8k04-07-07File rated 7.60Super Mario Land 1
This now includes all the levels of the original version, but there are now two versions: one for Mario 1.2, and another for Mario 2.0. This was done so that each version would have less glitches, as well as be more suited to its gameplay. As in the original version, it isn't boring, but it isn't jam-packed with enemies, either, making game play crisp and smooth. Includes a walkthrough of every single zone, difficult spots and hidden areas, as well as a storyline and zone names!
attsmland2.zip9k04-04-25File rated 8.69Super Mario Land 2
As with the first levelset, there are now two versions, one for each version of Super Mario. Both levelsets take advantage of each versions' gameplay styles. Includes a walkthrough of every single zone of both versions, tough spots, as well as a storyline and zone names.
attsmland3.zip9k04-04-27File is not ratedSuper Mario Land 3
The third world of The Super Mario Land series. After searching two of Bowser's castles for Princess Peach, Mario has yet to find her. Now he must follow Bowser yet again, to a third castle, chasing him through the harsh environments of the Sunken Forest, Night Tunnel, Fire Mountain, Rainbow Road, and more! Read-me includes a zone-by zone walkthrough, strategies, FAQ, as well as a sequel storyline and zone names. Check out the others in the series, too!
attsmland4.zip9k04-05-08File is not ratedSuper Mario Land 4
Three castles have been searched, and Princess Peach is still nowhere to be found. The path to the fourth castle is more crazy and insane than ever! Look UP at the ground in the bizarre Upside-Down Forest , watch your swimming in the Sea of Spikes, race across the collapsing Mad Bridge, explore the heights of Star World and more as you continue to face Bowser and wreak havoc on his minions! Read-me includes a zone-by zone walkthrough, strategies, FAQ, as well as a continued storyline and zone names. Download the other worlds too!
attsmland5.zip10k04-05-14File is not ratedSuper Mario Land 5
Mario has rescued Peach, but Bowser has returned and captured them both!! In part 5 of The Super Mario Land series, it's up to Luigi to save the two of them in one piece! Try to get every coin in Secret Park, explore the delicate Crystal Woods, navigate the frosty weather in Snow Land, and dash across the treacherous Mad Bridge 2, in the 5th installment of this popular series!
attsmland6.zip9k04-06-02File is not ratedSuper Mario Land 6
The 6th part of the Super Mario Land series! After Luigi saved Mario, Mario must now continue onward to save Peach. Maneuver invisible blocks in the Black Cavern, travel through water, snow, and trees in Mint Lake, dodge spirits in the Haunted Tunnel, and then take a tour of the inside of a Gameboy! If you like it, write a review for it. As always in this series, each level is exactly 128 columns in width, with new obstacles and challenges along the way!
attsmland7.zip8k04-06-18File rated 6.97Super Mario Land 7
Part 7 in the series! Mario and Luigi are still continuing their search for Peach. They now travel to Castle #7, but before they reach it, they must jump over the half-pipes in Skateboard Park, walk through the dark in Luigi's Mansion, navigate the dense Leafy Forest, watch their footing in the Koopean Fault, and more, ending in a Bowser fight with a twist! If you enjoyed any of the levelsets in this series, write a review!
attsmland8.zip10k04-07-07File rated 8.19Super Mario Land 8
The 8th levelset! Mario and Luigi have finally located Peach, in castle #8. Now they must proceed through Onett, Brick Towers, Golf Park, Mute City, and more to finally get their hands on Peach and get fight Bowser for the last time! Also included is a readme about the entire series!
backup1.8xg63k02-10-15File is not ratedMario level
Very hard mario level, try to beat it!
badlands.zip1k02-02-10File is not ratedbadlands for mario 1.2
five leaves that will give you plunty of game time
bartcruz.zip2k05-01-28File is not ratedBartcruzers Werelden
Bartcruzers Werelden is a Dutch name for Bartcruzers Worlds. It's not the most difficult level I've made but it's really worth playing. It has 5 levels to entertain you!
bartsart.zip2k05-01-28File is not ratedBartsart
Bartsart is a level you will both gonna love and hate! It will be difficult at some moments but if you think clear, you will make it. It has 5 levels and is specially made for everyone who likes to play Mario and thinks he or she is quite is good player.
bc83p.zip1k02-01-01File is not ratedMario 1.2/2.0 - Bowser's Castle
Tricky level! It uses darkness to trick you into hitting enemies, along with using some cool shading.
bef83p.zip1k02-01-01File is not ratedMario 1.2/2.0 - Bowser's Enemy Factory
This is where Bowser makes all of his enemies, I guess. Obviously, there are a lot of them in these levels. The turtles run the machinery, so look out for them. I got the idea from FF6's "Devil's Lab" :)
bl83p.zip1k02-01-01File is not ratedMario 1.2/2.0 - Bounce Land
A short, easy first level, followed by a nearly impossible Bowser. I don't think you can beat it, but I can...
blah1.zip1k04-11-05File is not ratedBowser Bounce World 1
Incredibly hard! World 2 comming soon! Note: porters are not porters, but testers in this case.
blaster.zip2k01-07-15File is not ratedBowser: Final Revenge
In this world, you as Mario must face Bowser and his minions, (clones of himself) throughout each level. As each level progresses, it gradually will become mroe difficult. If you manage to kill one of the Bowsers before Level 5, you win...but if not...you continue to quest. This will surely keep your attention for quite awhile.
bounce.zip1k03-08-01File is not ratedMarioLevel-BounceLand
This is a level I made a long time ago... before I even started programming. You have to bounce alot over the empty gaps to get to the end... quite challenging in some cases.
bowpal.zip2k02-09-08File is not ratedBowsers' Palace
This a large levelpack (eight levels I believe) for Super Mario 1.2. I've played many levels on this site before, many are badly done, too short, or just not fun. This level pack is long, fun, and difficult, but not too dificult. It has been playtested pretty thouroughly. DOWNLOAD THIS ONE!
bowsera.zip1k03-10-01File is not ratedBowser's Castle
A must play, takes up less than 800 bytes, very difficult and never gets boring.
bowsercruise.zip1k02-11-29File is not ratedBowser Cruise Vacation
See readme
bowserisland.zip2k06-09-17File is not ratedBowser Island
Mario has defeated every enemy he met. He has become very arrogant; however, it is boring just sitting around all day and doing nothing. One day Bowser gives Mario a call. Bowser: Hey, Mario, I think you're an idiot. Mario: WHAT DID YOU CALL ME!?! Bowser: I called you an idiot. Mario: ARRRRRRRRRRRGGH!!!! He slammed down the phone and decided to go to Bowser's castle (which is on an island) and !@#$& Bowser. This level is hard; it is recommended for advanced players.
bowsermustdie.zip1k04-01-26File is not ratedBowser must die
bowsersrevenge.zip4k07-09-23File is not ratedBowser's Revenge
Bowser's Revenge is am exciting, well made mario levelset. It is the first of many to come from mariomaniac84. It has a story behind it, along with a rundown of the levels (included in the readme). Also, there is a special bonus level at the end of the world made quite uniquely- all you need to do is hold the right arrow key and Mario will soar through a 125 column masterpiece. Please download this, you will not be disappointed.
bowsers.zip1k05-09-09File is not ratedSuper Bowser Chhallenge!!!!!
This is a really neat level of bowser that i made, its really hard.
bowser.zip2k01-07-15File is not ratedBowser: His Final Revenge v.1.1
Bowser's back, this time face-to-face with Mario for the final duel. Who will survive? Who will be annhilated? This world contains five levels, as each level progresses, the challenges to overcome grow increasingly more difficult. Try to battle your way through every enemy. Fight your way to the final test to save the world.
bowzas.8xp1k02-05-11File is not ratedBowzas
One long level with bowsers bouncing everywhere
bros2.zip1k05-11-02File is not ratedSuper Mario Bros: The Lost Levels (Worlds 1 & 2)
Both Worlds are complete! I'm workin' on the rest of the Worlds. HAVE FUN!!!
bros3.zip3k06-02-03File is not ratedSuper Mario Bros. 3 (Worlds 1 & 2)
Yes! Both worlds are complete! World 2 has all 5 levels, Castle level, Bowser's ship & even the Quicksand level & Pyramid level are included. World 3 coming soon. HAVE FUN!!!
bros.zip7k07-03-22File rated 8.19Super Mario Bros. (All 8 Worlds)
Just like in the Nintendo, now Super Mario Bros. with all 8 worlds for the TI-82/83/83+/84+ Calculators! Enjoy & HAVE FUN!!!
bugthesystem.zip8k07-05-16File is not ratedBug The System
Bug The System is a level you have to finish using bugs in Mario. It is very hard, and I will try to make a GIF on how to finish the level as soon as possible. Feel free to e-mail question, suggestions or other bugs to gertjanstockman@gmail.com
bw83p.zip1k04-01-26File is not ratedmario - bounce world
this is mario and it is an easy level.
bwsrship.zip1k01-07-15File is not ratedBowser's Mothership
For Super Mario. 5 well put together levels that are all on bowser's huge airship! You need REALLY good timing...
callofduty5mario.zip1k09-10-19File is not ratedCall Of Duty 5 World At War (MARIO LEVEL)
this is Call Of Duty 5 World At War (MARIO LEVEL) it is only a beta but still works edit it all you like but give me credit
callofduty.zip7k07-10-11File is not ratedCall of Duty: Mario's Finest Hour
Bring the thrill of battle onto your calculator! Fight the Axis in Europe, Africa, and the Pacific, then finish the fight in a more modern setting. This is one of the hardest level sets available. Enlist today!
chad.zip1k03-11-30File is not ratedDark Portal
As you advance you get deeper and deeper to the center of the earth...
challenge.zip1k03-08-01File is not ratedMarioLevel-Challenge
This is a level I made a long time ago... before I even started programming. I found this level to be the most challenging level I've ever made... even for me, I always die in this level for some reason... but isn't that what makes it so challenging and fun? I know for a fact that you CAN finish this level because I have done it once:P (very encouraging, isn't it?)
choice.zip2k02-05-12File is not ratedCHOICE
Here are 5 simple levels made for beginners, read the documentation for a very good explanation
chrslnd2.zip1k05-12-10File is not ratedChris Land 2
Chris Land 2 is the second levelset in the 11-levelset "Chris Land" series. Be patient with this level: it's actually quite easy!
chrslnd3.zip1k04-08-03File is not ratedChris Land 3
A ridiculously difficult level. It's beatable, trust me.
citadel.zip9k09-10-20File is not ratedCitadel of Darkness (Series) V0.9
Great challenging level set(s). Not the first couple of sets I've made. I am aware that some of the sets are not complete, so I will be uploading the completed versions later. Consider this an exciting preview! This is my first upload to the Internet, so please let me know if it doesn't work.
city83p.zip1k02-11-01File is not ratedMario 1.2/2.0 - CityScape
This is on top of some buildings in a cityscape; has some neat graphics. It really isn't that hard, but it looks cool.
cityjumper.zip1k03-09-13File is not ratedCITY JUMPER **UPDATED
levelset made by uberugh@hotmail.com City Jumper - 7 levels *7th level now possible **Also reduced the amount of lives at the end of level 1 to 1, this elimates the exploit of dieing after getting the lives to get them again. This levelset is modeled after City Jumper, a game at addictinggames.com. I will be updating this when i make more levels. U can email me if u want I only had this calc a week but i know a lot besides programming.
class1deception.zip1k03-10-13File is not ratedClass 1: Deception
A tricky (hence the name 'Deception' ;) ), challenging, and fun intro for a sting of Mario levels. Please give feedback. Read documentation, at least.
class2.zip2k03-10-13File is not ratedClass 2: Atlantis
The second level in this set of Mario levels, starting with Class 1: Deception.
class3apharaohsjourney.zip2k03-11-07File is not ratedClass 3: A Pharaoh's Journey
Another Class level spanning across Egypt as Mario aattempts to face Bowser yet again!
cloud.8xp2k02-03-10File is not ratedCloud Land - for Mario v1.2
Cloud Land is a semi-hard 5 level world.
cloudwld.zip3k02-03-16File is not ratedCloud World for Mario 1.2
Cloud World for Matio 1.2: contains both original levels (8) and City Life levels (5)
codysworlds.zip1k06-10-28File is not ratedCody's Medium and Easy Worlds
Title says it all.
connorandsam.zip4k08-06-12File is not ratedConnor and Sam's more random levels
I tried to upload my awesome levels... but the computer won't create the file and so now I stuck with.. games that aren't as good as the ones I have... SUCKS! Oh well, anyway, these are 3 games like Cool game, and some others. Be amazed!
cool1.zip2k04-05-17File is not ratedCool World
11 Cool levels of Mario, created by Leo Jimenez. This is my first Cool World and I hope to create more. Tell me what you think at leonardo73187@msn.com
coolwrld.8xp1k02-03-21File is not ratedMario's Cool World
A Cool 4 level Mario world for Super Mario 1.2 by Sam Heald. Mario is one of the best games for a calculator and you can download it from this site. This is a good level and you should download it because it is awesome. Difficulty is moderate in comparison.
crazy___.8xp1k01-12-22File is not ratedCrazy Bowsers
2 fun and complex levels w/ Bowsers
crazytrain.zip7k06-02-17File is not ratedA Trio Random Levels
This is a trio of three random Mario levels. The one that is the leadt random is CRAZY train. Have fun!
ctland45.zip1k04-08-03File is not ratedChris Land 4.5
A level that goes between Chris Land 4 and Chris Land 5. What did you expect?
ctland4.zip1k04-08-03File is not ratedChris Land 4
Another hard level set. Oh joy!
ctlande.zip1k05-12-10File is not ratedChris Land e
I ran out of numbers, so I snuck this levelset in between 2 and 3--not very challenging after the first time you beat it, but a good exercise in the value of proper timing.
ctlandpi.zip1k05-12-10File is not ratedChris Land 3.14
I ran out of numbers, so I snuck this levelset in between 3 and 4. Have a lot of fun with this wacky levelset: it's challenging but very satisfying.
ctlandti83plussilverediti.zip1k05-12-10File is not ratedChris Land >>
Chris Land >> is a fast-paced Super Mario 2.0 only level. I think you can use Mario 1.2, but there just won't be the same challenge... Courage!
ctlndsix.zip1k08-08-24File is not ratedChris Land 6
This is Chris Land 6. I may update it further later. The first screenshot is the first two levels; the second screenshot is the third level.
darkness.zip4k03-10-23File is not ratedDarkness Falls
this is the first level i made for mario. it includes 15 levels. I am making more. My school thinks that my level is the best. I have one friend testing out all my levels to see if they are challenging. IN my series all my levels are challenging, but not impossible. SO DONT GET MAD!!
ddefail.zip1k09-10-23File is not ratedDDE+Epic Fail
I'm really cramming these archives with my maps. Heh. Anyway, this contains 2 sets. The first one is DDE, which was basically a little experiment I did a while back. The second one is Epic Fail, which is also a little experiment that I conducted. Both are extremely challenging and should provide lots of fun. Epic Fail IS BEATABLE, but it can be frustrating at times. Good luck! :D
deathtrap.zip1k02-11-01File is not ratedDeath Trap
5 levels with an end boss. Very challenging and fun. Email me with your comments at scubasteve118@yahoo.com
desert.zip4k09-05-30File is not ratedDesert Kingdom
This is an old levelset I made a while back, and I believe I never uploaded this at ticalc.org. Managed to gain over 200 downloads in calcg.org. Original Description: Stop Bowser from stealing the ancient treasures within Koopahari Desert. (Only for Super Mario 2.0)
die_____.8xp3k03-05-19File is not ratedSuper Mario remix
This is a hit in my class at school.It has ten levels and has the Bowser's castle from Super Mario Bros.3.Go ahead and let me know what you think about it.
dl283p.zip1k02-01-01File is not ratedMario 1.2/2.0 - Dorsey Land II
The sequel to Dorsey Land, it's slightly harder with bouncy notes.
dl383p.zip1k02-01-01File is not ratedMario 1.2/2.0 - Dorsey Land 3
The sequel to Dorsey Lands 1&2, this is a MUCH harder level than the other two DL's. Bowser proves to be a pain, too.
dl83p.zip1k01-12-10File is not ratedMario 1.2/2.0 - Dorsey Land
Named after a friend from school, this level is insanely easy, featuring around 15 lives to get in the first level. Don't be fooled by the 1st level, though, as the Bowser can be quite challenging.
dm83p.zip1k01-12-10File is not ratedMario 1.2/2.0 - Dark Mines
Dark Mines features some neat shading using the tiles in Mario 1.2's level editor. It's relatively easy compared to my other levels.
donutland.zip1k05-11-19File is not ratedDonut land
Here is a relatively easy level set for mario 2.0. Its levels have a donut lift theme. Donut lifts are the platforms that fall when you land on them. There is no password so feel free to modify.
doom2.zip2k06-09-24File is not ratedPit of Doom 2.0
This is an updated version of Pit of Doom. Read the read me for more info
doomdaya.zip1k03-10-01File is not ratedDOOMSDAY
EXTREMELY HARD MARIO LEVEL SET! This is a demo. The final version will be released in a few weeks. A MUST DOWNLOAD!!!
doom.zip1k03-11-30File is not ratedThe Apocalypse
This is it, the end of the world, unless mario can escape from Bowsers clutches to retrieve the über star.
dreamcatcher.zip4k03-05-31File is not ratedDreamcatcher Levelset
An extremely long yet fun levelset. This baby has 12 levels and over 1300 columns. It's been play tested a lot, so I don't think there are any problems.
dt83p.zip1k01-12-10File is not ratedMario 1.2/2.0 - Death Trap
If you're up to a challenge, this is the world for you! It's isnanely hard, with (the first level) having an enemy on every possible inch of the level. The Bowser's rather hard too, and you can't get any extra lives or mushrooms. Have fun...
dtrap2_83p.zip1k02-11-01File is not ratedMario 1.2/2.0 - Death Trap II
The sequel to Death Trap. This makes the original Death Trap look like a walk in the park. The hardest level (IMO) that I've made yet.
egypt.zip2k03-03-12File is not ratedMario in Egypt
This is a fairly easy world for Mario 1.2 and 2.0. It is designed to reflect ancient Egypt with its pyramids, an obelisk, the Sphinx, and even the tomb rooms and tunnels for a lost pharoah! Contains 7 levels.
element.zip1k04-10-13File is not ratedØX: The Awakening
the broderbund type character is supposed to be a theta. this leveset is moderatley hard. it the first of two levelsets. why the program is called element, i named it that a long time ago. don't ask questions.
elementz.zip2k04-10-13File is not ratedØX: The Revival
the broderbund type character is supposed to be a theta. this leveset is moderatley hard. it the second of two levelsets. why the program is called elementz, i named it after i named the first ØX element.
eme.zip41k06-01-01File is not ratedExtreme Mario Experiment v0.5
These two Mario levels are an experiment. They are currently in a beta state, so I have included level passwords so you can modify the levels. If you have made a significant change to the levels, e-mail the levels to me and the change may become official.
empire__.8xp1k03-08-26File is not ratedStar Wars episode 5:The Empire Strikes Back
The second star wars game made by a kid at school i know.
epic.zip3k11-12-16File is not rated>> EPIC Mario << v1.1
Epic Mario is back with a slightly improved version. Epic Mario features professional style, aesthetically pleasing levels. It is very challenging despite having only 3 levels. Screenshot Provided! For v2.0 only.
erictwo.zip1k05-11-19File is not ratedEric World 2
Two levels of challenging "fun". CAUTION: Use MirageOS' [ON]+[MODE] hook to quit after the game freezes when you beat level 2. I am not responsible for any crashes that occur or any screens that are cracked when you play or throw your calc on the wall. Neither is Eric.
evil.8xp2k02-03-10File is not ratedEvil Land - for Mario v1.2
Evil Land is a semi-hard 5 level world
evilmummy.zip1k03-07-21File is not ratedThe Evil Mummy
An amazing level pack created by Laszlo Lovasz.Jump your way through seven different levels and enter the mummy's lair in a stunning finish.
factory_.8xp3k02-01-01File is not ratedMario's Factory
Mario Level awesome level Mario's Factory
fate02.zip7k06-09-24File is not ratedFate 1 and Fate 2 for Mario
This level set is definitely hard if you have never played Mario before. Play this only as an expert. LOL. You will NOT beat this the first time through. It is beatable.
fire.8xp4k02-03-06File is not ratedFire World - for Mario v1.2
Fire World is a decent "normal" ranked level.
flashmario.zip2k12-12-17File is not ratedFlash Mario Level Pack
fluxland10.zip1k03-07-04File is not ratedFluxLand v1.0
This is a four level levelset for Super Mario v1.2 by Sam Heald. This levelset contains very few enimies (execpt in cages) but has a challanging system of moving platforms. There are 247 columns so far and I intended on adding more levels. See the readme for level summarys and hints.
foxworld.zip2k04-10-07File is not ratedFoxworld
Update of Foxworld! Now 6 Level big and much harder! Try and have Fun!
funland.zip3k01-09-28File is not ratedFUN LAND
A fun LevelSet for Mario 83+ made By SK Productions. Make SURE you read the ReadMe File. Download it NOW!
funmarioworld.zip1k10-12-19File is not ratedFun Mario World
My first level - at start very easy but then very difficult!
fw83p.zip1k01-12-11File is not ratedMario 1.2/2.0 - Frost World
Prancing through the snow...... hehe, Mario has to go through the snow to defeat Bowser in this one. It's kinda easy, though.
gerbils.zip2k03-06-24File is not ratedAttack of the Gerbils
Attack of the Gerbils is a not-too-difficult Mario Level.
glacier_.8xp6k02-01-01File is not ratedGlacier Falls
Original Glacier Falls. Contains 10 levels. Some of them, hard.
glacier.zip3k08-08-11File is not ratedGlacier Peninsula
An icy world close to the seas. Search for the secret ice fortress and take down Bowser.
gldrushcannoncity.zip90k05-04-09File is not ratedGold Rush : Cannon City
This is my next set of levels for Mario. Probably, the most challenging so far. I just made them today, a sneak preview. 3 level preview. Give it a try. It's just a demo though. I'm planning to make it atleast 10 levels or more. There is no boss, and there are currently 3 levels at 128 columns each. Have fun! Please rate my file on www.calcgames.org. I want to know what you think. For more games of mine and Morgan's, go to http://www.ticalcgames.tk
goldoldi.zip2k06-04-22File is not ratedGolden Oldies
Golden Oldies is the ultimate level pack for Mario 83+ 1.2! Featuring classic levels from older Mario games, plus levels I created myself, this level pack is a must have!
goldrush3and4updated.zip13k05-03-25File is not ratedGold Rush 3-4 Updated
In gold rush 3, I fixed the almost impossible level, number 4, which a lot of people had trouble with. I also added another level to it. Fixed up the coins that said 4, to 3. In both Gold Rush 4's, I added in the names, Lost World 1 and 2. Added a few levels to Lost World 2, and added more collumns to World 1. Have fun!
goldrush5preview.zip4k05-03-16File is not ratedGold Rush 5 :: 9 Level Preview
This is probably the HARDEST Gold Rush world yet. Level 2 is difficult enough. I added in a mine, where all the "GOLD" is, *nudge nudge, Gold Rush...The coins = Gold. The more you collect, you more you get. This world is called Gold Rush : Last Episode. I'm sorry, I'm hanging up Gold Rush after I finish this last world. It's going to be the best. There is exactly 1024 Collumns of game play. All 8 levels in the beginning reach up to full lenght, of 128 collumns. The 9th level is a preview to the next part. Pretty hard levels. Write up a review, tell me if it's too hard, or too easy, Please, write one. Or email me, at jonny23451@yahoo.com, so I can figure out what to fix, or what to add. Thanx. Keep checking up for Updates
goldrush5.zip8k05-03-29File is not ratedGold Rush 5 COMPLETED! And Updated Bugs
I got rid of some of the wierd bugs, and set up some more funny little traps. I dunno why, but once the mario game goes over 12000, you can't edit it and make it smaller, or play it in Mario. I tried, it didn't work. I got rid of 5 levels, still at 12000. So ya, the really cool thing i added to the lastlevel, isn't there. But the last bowser guy is tough. Cannons shootin at ya when u play him. Have fun.
goldrush6cannoncity.zip95k05-04-27File is not ratedGold Rush 6 : Cannon City
The most difficult Gold Rush mario world so far. It includes 6 levels, because it will take you a long time just to beat level 1, and lots of bullet bills and cannons, hence the name Cannon City. If you have any questions on how you can beat it, email me at jonny23451@yahoo.com. Enjoy
goldrush7cannoncity2.zip2k05-05-07File is not ratedGold Rush 7 :: Cannon City 2
A very challenging world. It isn't complete yet, but since it has over 4 levels, I decided to release it. Level 2 and 4 are killers. Level 1 is pretty moderate, and level 3 and 5...well if you end up dying you should just die. A very small package. Look foward to this one though. I have lots of ideas for this version.
goldrushge.zip1965k05-04-07File is not ratedGold Rush *Gold Edition
*Part of Alex Productions use Mario V2.0, or game won't work It's Mario! I've been stuffing these archives with my games like crazy, and well, this is just the best of the best. Even though I didn't write the original program itself, I made the levels with the MEDIT program. Very fun program. Anyways, these are very very difficult. Over 65 levels to play, and 6 worlds to explore. There is a bonus, Bowsers challenge, in it. keep battling bowser on different territory untill the last level, which is the hardest of course. Have fun! These levels go from Easy, to extremely difficult. Check out each of the Animations. They play through the entire first levels of each Mario level. Have fun, and please rate this game. Please rate this game. Write up a review. I want to know what you think about these mario levels that I spent a lot of time working on.
goldrushlevels83p.zip30k05-03-20File is not ratedGold Rush Mario Levels And Guide *Updated
Hardest and logest series out ther right now. Probably the most challenging. I got updates for Gold Rush 5, and fixed some things in each level, taking out some things and adding some little things. It makes a big deal. In Gold Rush 5, level 8 was almost impossible because of the thwomp, so I changed a bunch of stuff. Anyways, ENJOY! Any quetions about the game or how to beat it, email me. I have no problem helping you out trying to figure out how to beat it.
goldrushlevels.zip8k04-02-19File is not ratedSuper Mario : Gold Rush Adventures
Lets see. First World: 5 levels *first world i ever made Second World: 4 Levels. hard tho Third World: 12 levels, quite difficult Fourth World: 5 levels.. You're goina get mad. Fun worlds! very difficult.. Try em out! Super Mario v2.0 is prefered. By sam heald.
goldrushlostworlds.zip18k05-04-05File is not ratedGold Rush (The Lost Worlds) *Added levels
*Use With Mario v2.0. Otherwise it is impossible to beat. These are very very original levels. Except for 2 levels in Lost World 2, I got really bored and decided to go and make "similar" levels like in the original mario for the old old nintendo. There are little twists in it though. The rest, IS ALL ORIGINAL STUFF! This is probably the hardest one so far. I'm not trying to brag, but seriously, over 50 levels of gameplay, over 35 levels I think of the full 128 collumn width, which is the maximum, and lots of challenging levels. It will take you a long long time to beat. To you, it may not seem that hard, but I even have trouble playing it. The second level is a killer. Anyways, here is a preview of the huge level i'm making. This world is going to be probably one of the biggest ones that I have ever worked on, including underground city type thingy, no water world, not in this one, i'm goina add a maze type temple in there, and a forest like thing. I'm not cheesy like the other ppl, so yea. They're actually pretty hard to beat. Lots of thinking when it comes to the part where you have to jump in level 3, you'll c. There is a little passage way that u can take, if you choose the right one and make the right choices. In level 4, it's basically coming out of the "forest" area, and you go into a little area. It's just kinda like the Creditz. It sez, Gold Rush with ? mark boxes, and then Jon Wong, which is me. You enter the gold mine. :)...(Hint: Don't always assume that just because there is an ending bar, that it is the end of the level ;) ). I don't wanna ruin all the levels, so start playing. :) . The rest of the levels are challenging. Level 6 is really wierd. I made it kinda messed up just for the fun of it.
goldrushmariolvls.zip14k05-03-07File is not ratedGold Rush Series
The original levels of Gold Rush, by Jon Wong. These levels are difficult. They go from easy, to hard. Good game if u like a challenge
goombaworld.zip1k04-04-01File is not ratedGoomba World
This is a medium difficulty medium length level. I had 4 levels but I leave to relieve myself and someone *ahem* brother had to mess with it. Now there is only one level. But it is pretty good. You have to dodge the suicide goombas. You will no what i mean when you download it.
goomconq.zip2k06-09-24File is not rated Goomba World
Bowser is preparing a goomba conquest on the world. Will Mario will be able to stop him? Read the Read me for more info
gooworld.zip1k04-04-06File is not ratedSuicide Goombas
The goombas have gone and joined the japanese forces. They fall out of the sky trying to land on mario Sacrificing their lives for the cause. None of them are very accurate but will their sheer numbers bring mario down? Includes 2 levels and a bowser stage
greenlands.zip7k04-05-05File is not ratedMario Greenlands 1,2,3
This is a set of levels I made. In 2 and 3, all levels are 128 colums. They get harder as they go on and have been one of the favorites at my school. Try it out nad if you dont like it, you can always delete it!
gw1.zip10k04-03-09File is not ratedGW1
3 Mario worlds containing 6 levels each for Super Mario v2.0 by Sam Heald. After beating the world that comes with Mario, I began to look for some more to download but found very few that were worth downloading. So I decided to make some of my own that would revolutionize the Mario world industry. And here they are. THESE ARE QUITE POSSIBLY SOME OF THE BEST MARIO WORLDS YOU WILL EVER PLAY! Check out the screenshots. Difficulty: Easy
gw2.zip11k04-03-16File is not ratedGW2
3 Mario worlds containing 6 levels each for Super Mario v2.0 by Sam Heald. After beating the world that comes with Mario, I began to look for some more to download but found very few that were worth downloading. So I decided to make some of my own that would revolutionize the Mario world industry. And here they are. THESE ARE QUITE POSSIBLY SOME OF THE BEST MARIO WORLDS YOU WILL EVER PLAY! Check out the screenshots. Difficulty: Medium
gw3.zip12k04-03-16File is not ratedGW3
3 Mario worlds containing 6 levels each for Super Mario v2.0 by Sam Heald. After beating the world that comes with Mario, I began to look for some more to download but found very few that were worth downloading. So I decided to make some of my own that would revolutionize the Mario world industry. And here they are. THESE ARE QUITE POSSIBLY SOME OF THE BEST MARIO WORLDS YOU WILL EVER PLAY! Check out the screenshots. Difficulty: Hard
gw4.zip199k04-04-01File is not ratedGW4
My last Mario world, containing 10 levels for Super Mario v2.0 by Sam Heald. After beating the world that comes with Mario, I began to look for some more to download but found very few that were worth downloading. So I decided to make some of my own that would revolutionize the Mario world industry. And here they are. THIS IS QUITE POSSIBLY THE BEST MARIO WORLD YOU WILL EVER PLAY. Check out the screenshots. Difficulty: Hard
gwrldiii.zip2k04-05-04File is not ratedGlitch World II
This is the Third set of Glitch World. The best part about this is that i substituted fishes for fire in the castle coming from the bowser! and when you go to a door, right when you get to it, i have it so bowser falls really fast and you automatically goes to the next level/room!! I think it's really neat and my friends agree. you need to check it out! I hope you enjoy them! Use with: Super Mario v2.0
gwrldii.zip2k04-05-04File is not ratedGlitch World II
This is the second set of Glitch World. (Heres a tip: you mostly want to stay small in this set of levels) No i am not kidding! I hope you enjoy them! Use with: Super Mario v2.0
gwrldi.zip2k04-05-04File is not ratedGlitch World I
This fun set of levels will give you happy memories of visions in the old Super Mario Bros 3 NES game as you frequently see parts of levels from the old game put into these 10 sets of levels along with my own creations in mind! I hope you enjoy them! Use with: Super Mario v2.0
hallowee.8xp2k03-06-04File is not ratedHalloween:Resurrection
Yes,a Halloween game made out of Mario!Michael Myers(Bowser)is jumping out of the darkness trying to stab you to death.Get stabbed three times(lose all three of your lives)and Michael wins,but beat him and it might be the end of this "evil".Try it if you like the slasher movie series or are interested.E-mail me if you like it or if you think it sucks!I don't care.But if you like it I might make a sequel.
hard1s__.zip1k03-03-14File is not ratedVery Hard Levels!
Very Hard Levels for mario. Just play and find out.
harry___.8xp3k01-12-22File is not ratedThe Level
the first level I have created for Mario. It is difficult to play. Enter at own risk!!
hell.zip2k05-03-13File is not ratedThe hell
Run with mario through the world of hell. Great level. (Quite hard)
h.zip1k04-08-03File is not ratedTerrys World
Another levelset my friend made. Have you noticed a lot of my friends make levels?
illm.zip1k01-09-28File is not ratedMario Illusion
Difficult Mario Level
impossiblefolder.zip2k05-03-02File is not ratedImpossible
Fun level set that you have got to try.
impossibleworld.zip1k11-05-27File is not ratedThe Impossible World
This world is not for the faint of heart. You have a 90% chance of dying immediately for the first 3 tries. This world takes practice to overcome, and only those of you with the quickest of reflexes can hope to make it to the end. However, this world is, in fact, possible to beat. That way, you can tell all your friends that you beat the Impossible World. When they ask to play it, you can watch them fail miserably for the first few tries. If you can't figure out how to beat it, just keep trying. You'll figure it out eventually. Good luck!
inferno.zip15k07-01-27File is not ratedInferno Series
Five challenging worlds made to frustrate you into insanity.
insanity.8xp4k01-12-22File is not ratedMario Insanity
A challenging set of ten levels for Super Mario 1.2
invasion.zip1k03-03-08File is not ratedAirship Invasion Levelset
A short but difficult levelset of Mario for MirageOS that requires you to have to think. Yep. Using your brain. It even has a total-darkness level!
islndpack.zip3k05-03-13File is not ratedIsland Hopping Pack
A pack of with two level sets for mario, unfortunately no screenshots, but that's alright because they are both awesome. Not a whole lot of enemies, but a challenging manuevering and what a probably the craziest looking mario levels you've seen make it fun. Try! SMALL FILE SIZE! VERY SMALL FILE SIZE! VERY VERY SMALL FILE SIZE
ivansmarioxworld.zip1k02-03-02File is not ratedIvans Mario X World
Great world. Needed to be tried by Pros, my first world. Check out my second one. ENJOY
jbowser.zip4k07-03-08File is not rated6 Creative Bowser Levels
6 creative bowser levels with 20 levels each. Pretty hard without devotion.
jimlevelpak1.zip16k02-07-15File is not ratedJames Rosholt's Mario Level Pack 1
This pack consists of the first series of James Rosholt's levels. Some Of These, are alot better than others, but they are all worth your time to download!If you would like info/hints on these levels, please e-mail us. Trust me, these levels won't bore you!
jimmars.zip3k02-05-27File is not ratedJame's Rosholt Martian Explorer For Super Mario
The first major level created by James Rosholt, who may become one of the best known level creators for SUper Mario. The FIRST Mario Level with a REAL story, check it out in the readme file!
jland.zip3k10-12-01File is not ratedJ-Land Episode 1 Final for Super Mario (v2.0 ONLY)
This is a finally complete, somewhat difficult levelset for Sam Heald's unofficial Super Mario v2.0. If you don't have Super Mario v2.0, you can just use the copy linked to in the ReadMe. I would've made this sooner, but the Mario Level Editor for v1.2 didn't work for me, so I used v2.0 and its level editor. You can find all details in the ReadMe file.
jonworld.zip1k07-07-01File is not ratedJon's Super Mario World 1
My first attempt at a mario level, but i spent a lot of time perfecting it. Warning: It's tricky!
journey.zip3k05-11-29File is not ratedJourney
Journey is a Mario level by a Mario fan. The worlds were designed to be interesting and unique and to provide... what's the word... FUN! Download it and enjoy the SPECIAL LIGHTING EFFECTS (TM) and FANTASTIC GRAPHICS (TM).
kaostheoryb.zip3k09-10-27File is not ratedKaos Theory: Utopia
Part 2 of Kaos Theory Level 1 and 2 are easy, but difficulty spikes at level 3 and beyond. Have fun!
kaostheory.zip4k09-10-22File is not ratedKaos Theory
It's the first level to a new series! Come check it out! Fun and challenging. Theme: City Nightlife Includes one level beta of the next set in the series. Feedback would be appreciated. Have fun! Look at ReadMe for the weird plot.
keefio_bros.zip2k03-03-06File is not ratedSuper Keefio Bros.
I like Mario. I think that it is a brilliant idea to add myself to the game in some way. So, I made this level set arround my life, sort of. It is semi-difficult, but level 10 is hard.
kigohill.8xp1k02-05-11File is not ratedKing of the Mountain
Very difficult level set for super mario 1.2
killbill.zip1k04-06-15File is not ratedBeat Bullet Bill v1.0
Bowser has summoned the bullet bills from the center of the earth. Can Mario defeat them?
komodoworld.zip3k05-06-06File is not ratedKomodo World
Let's have a plunking good time! Seriously, this is a levelset with 12 levels, 3 "boss levels" or castles, and every level except two of the bosses' are over 100 coloumns! Try it out today!
kow.zip8k05-03-20File is not ratedKingdom of Waynes
This game is a begin of the trilogy of the Kingdom of Wayne. 5 Levels every chapter. (Story is not included yet)
kutlessfolder.zip3k05-03-02File is not ratedKutless
Fun level set that you have got to try.
kylesworld.zip10k02-01-01File is not ratedKyle's World: Super Mario
A chalenging level for Mario v1.2 or higher. This archive also includes Mario and it's editing program by Sam Heald and Bill Nagel.
lalalala.zip1k08-04-14File is not ratedLALALALA - Random Mario Levels
Random Levels.
land2.zip3k04-05-14File is not ratedMario Land 2 (Update)
This is the final update to mario land 2! Have fun.
landgrab.zip1k03-10-06File is not ratedLand Grab
This is the first Mario Lvl released by Mattinc. I hate levels were you fall to your death in the very beginning or there's no way to win. So I released this level set. It has 4 levels and a secret level. It runs good, looks good, and is winable.
lasaux.zip2k06-06-15File is not ratedDungeons of Lasaux
This is a very hard 12 level long level pack for mario 2.0 only. This is very hard unless you know about how the enemies react.
leadhim.zip1k05-12-11File is not ratedLead him
This is a one of a kind level set for mario 2.0. In each level you have to lead bowser to the end to beat the level. Each level is 20 columns longer then the last. I aso put a wall of spikes at the end in case you forgot bowser. Have fun. :-)
level1.zip2k02-01-01File is not ratedLevel 1
It's another level for Mario. It is very difficult. Levels 1 thru 5. It is a very cool level.Good Luck!
levelup.zip1k05-12-10File is not ratedLevel Up!
This level set for Super Mario (tested with v1.2) contains five separate levels, each harder than the last. Since it's my first work with the level editor, any feedback would be appreciated.
level___.zip3k01-12-22File is not ratedMario Levels-Wonderland
Difficult but awesome levels, more challenge then those ghetto easy levels that take minutes to beat!!!!! You will like them trust me, if you can beat them!
longests.zip8k05-06-02File is not ratedLongest One and Two
YOU'LL NEVER EVER BEAT THESE MWHAHAHAHA. Actually, they are possible. Please send feed back and visit my site.
lost.zip1k05-11-12File is not ratedLost in Terrys World
Oh no! Mario got lost in Terrys World because he didn't like the "measly" 11 1-UPs he got on the second level. Help him get back to the path. Yes, Terry and I did collaborate on these levels.
lunyplace.zip2k05-08-18File is not ratedThe Luny Place
A fun levelset
lvlsxzyzzyyzyz.zip3k08-11-30File is not ratedapocalypse level series
no one can beat every one of these levels the last one is impossible! mwuahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!! (the order of levels is apocalypse, prgm AMTUYUYU, prgm AALLEENN
lvls.zip3k08-11-30File is not ratedapocalypse level series
no one can beat every one of these levels the last one is impossible! mwuahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!! (the order of levels is apocalypse, prgm AMTUYUYU, prgm AALLEENN
m83p.zip1k01-12-11File is not ratedMario 1.2/2.0 - Metropolis
Don't let the buildings in the background you in this moderately hard levelset.
mab.zip3k10-12-12File is not rateda list of mario levels
this is a list of my mario levels, I made it for a long time, of course, if you have tried my PQP before, you will know that my levels are not easy! have a try! Good Luck! Not easy I: 15levels a sure super, II and III, 5,5,1 levels
magic.zip2k03-03-05File is not ratedMagic Mario
This is a very tricky, frustrating, but entertaining world for mario 1.2 and 2.0. Each of the eight levels contains different tricks that are not as they appear. Have fun! -Brian Jayne
mar514.zip1k12-12-25File is not ratedMario 514 pack
Mario 514 pack! An extremely fun, moderate pack that has 8 levels. In the end find out strategies to make Bowser fall to his doom!
mario1.zip6k01-12-22File is not ratedPeter's Mario Levels (5 Levelsets)
This file contains 5 different levelsets. Super Mario Land X, Super Mario Land XX (which is not related to X), SSB Levels, Koopa Island, and Bowser Castle. In all the levelsets combined there are about 35 levels.
mario3.zip1k01-12-10File is not ratedThe Level 3
It is the third of 6 world I will be making. It is very difficult to beat. It is my first level I have uploaded. Enjoy!
mario83levels2.zip4k01-07-15File is not ratedMario X: Levels 8-14 (2nd Set)
These are to be used with Mario for the 83+ version 1.1 or higher. Not only does this set have levels 8-14, but also the first set 1-7. Once again the password is included in the read-me so you can edit this freely. Have fun with these, more soon. Enjoy.
mario83levels.zip2k01-07-11File is not ratedMario X: Levels 1-7
These are levels 1-7 for Mario v1.2 or higher. These levels are a ton of fun and are awesome, expect 8-14 soon. I even included the password in the read-me so you can edit them yourselves. The read-me will answer all questions. Email me with anything unclear, Enjoy.
marioallstar1.zip1k04-03-28File is not ratedMario Allstar 1
This is a new series I am starting! Have fun!
mario_alpha_a.zip6k02-04-27File is not ratedAlpha World 1: Deceit
Deceit is the first Land in The Alpha World. It consists of 8 levels each as hard or harder than the next. So far these are the hardest levels that I know that are on TI-Calc.org. The nice thing about these levels too are that they follow a certain theme. Kind of like the actual Mario Levels from Nintendo.
mario_alpha_b.zip5k02-05-09File is not ratedAlpha World 2: Water World
Water World is the second land in The Alpha World, and consists of 7 levels. It is all done under water, by rivers, and in under-ground sewers. Plus a big bonus, the pipes in this land are great, you can go up down and in pipes, oh and swimming is a breeze.
mario_alpha_c.zip5k02-05-12File is not ratedAlpha World 3: Stardom
Stardom is the land third land in The Alpha World, and is where Mario takes to the stars in an effort to stop The Bowser Gangs plans for world domination. Their are 9 levels in this land, mostly in space, but you never know, you coud fall to the clouds. And some clouds are harder to stand on htat others.
mario_alpha_d.zip6k02-08-05File is not ratedAlpha World 4: Badlands
Badlands is the fourth land in The Alpha World, and Mario has followed the Bowser-Gang into the middle of the Grand Canyon. Where Mario must survive the desert, rought terrain and steep cliffs the surround the Grand Canyon.
mario_alpha.zip14k02-04-27File is not ratedThe Alpha World
The Alpha World will by far consist of the hardest and most in-depth levels ever made for Mario. The Alpha World will consist of a scheduled of 7 Lands, each with 7 or more Levels in each. The reason I say scheduled is because I could decide to create more that just 7 Lands. This file contains all of the Lands so far released for The Alpha World, including the Demo World. The other nice thing about The Alpha World is that it actually follows a plot, and all the levels were not created randomly.
marioancienttemple.zip2k10-04-07File is not ratedMarioancientruins
[Version 1.0 of Ancient Ruins] This pack is the second world (4 levels) of a mario saga that I am creating in my free time. My main focus when creating these levels was appeal to those who seek levels with visually appealing level design as well as enjoyable and interesting gameplay. [Note] I have tested this levelset in Mario 2.0 and currently know of no errors involving the level file. If you own a TI-84 that cannot play mario because the game image becomes distorted (looks like a wavy screen), I suggest searching the archives for the file: LCD fix, which should solve this problem ^_^
marioblastv1.zip1k02-01-01File is not ratedMario BLAST! v1.0
Zack's first program, or even level, ever made. Very challenging levels along with a few secrets.
mariobossendurance.zip1k10-03-15File is not ratedBetafreak Boss Endurance
Battle 8 bowsers in 7 themed worlds, plus a cumulative world at the end. These levels are sure to provide a challenge to the avid player. (NOTE: If you have an 84 with faulty hardware, search for the ALCDFIX utility)
mariobrolevels.zip15k09-01-06File is not ratedMarioBrosLevels
This File Contains 3 Mario Levels 1]Super Mario Bros. 2]SMB: A New Beginning 3]SMB: Legend There Are 15 Levels In Each Game, 98 Columns Long. Some Area Might Seem Like Original Mario On NES, But, There Are More Creative Levels. There Are 3 Themes In Each Game, With A Different Castle At Every 5th Level. You Want To Kill Boredom? And Take Challenge? Then Try This. P.S. My Friend, has been spending a year trying to beat this... Also All The Levels Are Possible, I SPECIFICALLY Test them from beginning. What Can I Say? I Love Mario Games. And Thank You, Sam.
mariobrosdx2.zip4k04-04-01File is not ratedSuper Mario Bros DX 2
This levelset has been completely redone in order to be compatible with both Mario 1.2 and 2.0. It includes Worlds 3 and 4 of the NES game Super Mario Bros. If you enjoyed the first one, keep going and download the next two worlds! Except for some squishing, everything is still the same as the NES game, down to the last coin!
mariobrosdx3.zip3k04-04-01File is not ratedSuper Mario Bros DX 3
Third in the series, taking you to Worlds 5 and 6! The difficulty gets harder as power-ups become more and more scarce. It is recommended that you download the first two in the series before you download this one. Now compatible with both versions of Super Mario.
mariobrosdx4.zip3k04-05-04File rated 8.45Super Mario Bros DX 4
The final 8 levels in the Super Mario Bros DX series! This levelset recreates the infamous 7th and 8th worlds of the NES game Super Mario Bros. It also completes the first-ever series to completely remake all 8 worlds onto a TI graphing calculator! Except for some squishing, all levels have been perfectly recreated, so they will all look familiar! Now you can have all 64 levels from Super Mario Bros on your TI-83+ or TI-84+! For Mario 1.2 and 2.0.
mariobrosdxx.zip1k06-10-28File is not ratedMarioDXX
This mario level consists of 5 levels with a chalenging run or die at the end of the 5th level. Enjoy!!!!!
mariobrosdx.zip3k04-04-01File rated 7.71Super Mario Bros DX
Version 2.0 of Super Mario Bros DX. This version gets rid of the fish changing into Bowser glitch, and has been fully tested in Mario 1.2 and 2.0, and is fully compatible with both. Except for some squishing, all levels have been perfectly recreated, so you'll be amazed how familiar they look! This levelset includes Worlds 1 and 2, for a total of 8 zones. If you enjoyed the NES version, try it out for your TI-83+!
mariodx.zip2k01-09-28File is not ratedMario Dx
This is a world for Super Mario 1.2 for the 83+. It has six levels, and has been revised 4 times. Enjoy!
mariofun2.zip1k04-09-12File is not ratedMario Fun 2
Due to the popular downloads of the first Mario Fun, and how much I wanted to create the perfect fun levelset, I have created a second one Mario Fun. This is the second levelset of the Mario Fun series. If you have not played the first one, please play it first. This level, though it is a bit more challenging, is just as fun and non-frustrating as well as non-boring. If you liked the first Mario Fun, then this will be just as great, maybe even better! READ THE README (VERY IMPORTANT, especially if it starts seeming hard (Its meant to be EASY AND FUN!))!
marioland1.zip1k04-05-14File is not ratedMario Land 1 (Update)
This is the last update to Mario Land 1! Have Fun.
marioland3.zip2k04-05-14File is not ratedMario Land 3 (Update)
This is a final update to mario land 3! Have fun.
marioland4.zip2k04-05-14File is not ratedMario Land 4 (Update)
This is a final update to mario land 4! Have fun.
marioland5.zip3k04-05-14File is not ratedMario Land 5 (Update)
This is a final update to mario land 5! Have fun.
mariolands.zip2k12-12-04File is not ratedMario Lands
Mario wakes up in a strange place. "What is this place?" he thinks. "Oh, I'm just asleep and dreaming," he says. He pinches himself. "OW!" He can't wake up. He calls it Mario Land. Fight your way through a series of moderate levels, and on level 12, bounce over Bowser until he falls to his death! I am NOT responsible for any screaming during math class.
mariolevels.zip23k02-05-12File is not ratedMario v.1.2: My 12 Mario Worlds
These are all of the Mario Worlds that I've created so far, I hope you like them.
mariolevel.zip1k05-11-29File is not ratedGondorfs Mario Levels
These are my levels. They are difficult so have fun.
mario_le.zip1k01-07-15File is not ratedMario Levels
Here are some Mario Levels I have came up with some are from the original 1985 version of mario and some are levels that I have made. Well let me know how you like it.
mariolvl_fun.zip1k04-09-06File is not ratedMario Fun
A semi-easy, yet very fun and a bit Challenging mario game with four levels. NOT AT ALL FRUSTRATING OR BORING!!!. Read readme for more info!
mariolvlset.zip6k10-09-19File is not ratedMario 3 Pack
3 levels i made, one still in construction. It is in a group just ungroup all: Hidden Land (I didn't have a better idea ok? yes it's a Pokemon Mystery Dungeon term) 25 levelset: Rank: Pretty hard except for 2x and 3x bowser stages. Those are Expert level. Die Mario- Rank: Pretty hard. 13 levelset i think? Still under construction. Nighttime- Rank: Expert- Very hard- everything is a black block. Can you find the solid ones? Currently unbeaten. (Hint: throw the flower's fireballs and check for blockage or bounce to determine a location of the block)
mariolvs.zip3k12-03-07File is not ratedMario v2.0 Levels
This is just some levels that I made a few years ago and I decided to try uploading them to see if anyone else would enjoy them.
mariomm.zip3k02-03-17File is not ratedMario Madness level pack
9 Challenging levels for Mario
marioraid.zip1k02-11-29File is not ratedMario's Castle Raid
See Readme
marioryan.zip1k01-07-30File is not ratedRyan's 1st Mario World
This is my first Mario World. You should enoy this, its hard and fun at the same time. If you have any questions, read the read-me. Thanks to Jimmy Corso for everything.
marioskytemple.zip3758k10-02-12File is not ratedMario Sky Temple
[Version 1.0 of Sky Temple] This pack is the first world (4 levels) of a mario saga that I am creating in my free time. My main focus when creating these levels was appeal to those who seek levels with visually appealing level design as well as enjoyable and interesting gameplay. [Note] I have tested this levelset in Mario 2.0 and currently know of no errors involving the level file. If you own a TI-84 that cannot play mario because the game image becomes distorted (looks like a wavy screen), I suggest searching the archives for the file: ALCDFIX, which should solve this problem ^_^
mariospace.zip3k02-01-01File is not ratedMario's Space Adventure
This is hands-down the best world ever created for Mario. I'm not bragging, people have told me that it is. It has a whopping 10 levels, all over 100 columns. The first few are relatively easy, but if you get to level ten, you are good. For those very few who actually beat it, the code to edit the level is written in coins at the end.
mario_s_.zip1k03-04-13File is not ratedMario S
A Mario Level
mariothelaststage.zip2k01-12-22File is not ratedMario: The ast Stage
6 levels of lucky charms for mario version 1.2 and up
mariotheta.zip5k06-11-14File is not ratedMario Theta
My first Mario level set. 25 Levels, ranging from brutally easy to brutally hard.
mariotworoads.zip1k10-03-15File is not ratedBetafreak Two Roads
These easier levels allow players to pick between two different roads: jumping on the top, or running through the bottom. The top roads tend to be easier, but also have less goodies for you to collect (especially true on the first level, hint hint.)
mariovslevels.zip3k04-03-07File is not ratedMario vs. Levels
These are great levels with a wide range of difficulties. They are tricky yet all have been tested and work well. Have fun!
marioworldpart12.zip2k03-03-10File is not ratedMario World Part 1&2
Cool new Mario levels!
mariozip.zip5k03-10-31File is not ratedA ROMP IN THE SWAMP
13 clever levels with increasing difficulty. NOT A "toughest world ever" world, designed for a challenging enjoyment. Please check out the readme for more. By Driftinphish (Driftinphish@hotmail.com)
mariozk_.zip1k01-12-22File is not ratedBowser Returns
My first levelset for Super Mario 83+
mari.zip1k02-11-20File is not ratedomega levels
great levels for mario. a great hit at my school. a must have!!!
markslvl.zip1k05-08-18File is not ratedJumpy Mario Dude
A mario levelset by me and my little brothers......beware of traps
mars.zip2k02-01-15File is not ratedMars
Mars is 6 levels plus 4 hidden levels. These levels are for Super Mario v1.2 (mario83). These are the best levels I have ever played and I know because I have played 7 other levels and they weren't half as good. These levels range in difficulties throughout the worlds. The levels total Cubic length from all of the levels is 600. Those are some big levels. I know you will enjoy the levels.
marwhack.zip1k01-07-16File is not ratedMario Gone Whack
Here are four Whacky levels I have came up with. I was working on a 10 level levelset then my batteries died so I'll release what I got so far to keep you occupied. Let me know how you like them.
maxsmariolevels.zip6k06-02-03File is not ratedMax's Mario world set
This is a set of 5 worlds ranging in difficulty from easy to hard. Calcwrld is the hardest, with 9 levels.
mdeck13.zip3k06-03-11File is not ratedDeckMan Quest I-III
These are my first three levels for Super Mario. If you're good at Mario you should only download Quest IV-V. Updated for Super Mario 2.
mdeck45.zip2k06-03-11File is not ratedDeckMan Quest IV-V
My more difficult levels for Super Mario, if you think you're good you can try to play them. Good luck, you'll need it >:) Updated for Super Mario 2. Additional information: Wherever a cannonball comes from, there is a cannon, whether you can see it or not. This will be important in dark levels.
megabros.zip2k07-03-01File is not ratedMega Mario Bros.
Four fun levels I created. This level-set took me a long time to make, and is high quality as a result. It is challenging, but not to the point where it's impossible to beat. Due to ROM-dumping difficulties, I am unable to provide screenshots. However, I can guarantee you that these levels look awesome. More levels to come! Look at the ReadMe for more info.
megalevs.8xp1k02-05-11File is not ratedMega Super Mario Levels
Another very difficult level set for super mario 1.2
m_elemental.zip4k05-09-20File is not ratedThe Elemental
The Elemental is a difficult level set for Super Mario on the TI-83+. If you're looking for a challenge or have beaten all the existing Mario levels, this should keep you entertained for a period of time. It has 14 Levels (I think) with 128 columns each. There are several different styles of levels with hordes of enemies and traps. I hope you enjoy it!
mf83p.zip1k01-12-11File is not ratedMario 1.2/2.0 - Mysterious Forest
Enter the Mysterious Forest at your own risk... Uses really cool techniques in the dark to achieve cool graphics (like trees, darkness shading, etc).
mgc.zip3k03-03-10File is not ratedMario Golf Course Complete
Golf Course Level for Mario!
missionimpossiblesm.zip2k07-12-16File is not ratedMission Immpossible
It's not really impossible, just annoying. I hope you'll enjoy trying to dodge the bullets.
mi.zip1k01-09-30File rated 1.68Mario Island
Easy Mario Game
ml1.zip4k05-10-14File is not ratedML1
This is my first levelset, in this case levelset 1 of 5. I hope you enjoy them. [Note: Thanks to Greg Wiseman for his help and ideas]
ml2.zip4k05-10-14File is not ratedML2
This is levelset 2 of 5. I hope you enjoy them, because I sure had fun making them.
ml3.zip5k05-10-14File is not ratedML3
This is levelset 3 of 5. Enjoy!
ml4.zip5k05-10-14File is not ratedML4
Levelset 4 of 5, and the hardest levelset I have made yet. Stay tuned for my final levelset in series one.
ml5.zip5k05-10-27File is not ratedML5
The final three worlds in Series One. I sure hope you enjoy them, 'cause they will have to do until I get started on Series Two.
mla.zip3k05-11-10File is not ratedMLA
This is the first world in Series Two. The ratings start all over, and its difficulty level is 4.5. It is about as hard as both of the Underworld worlds. Have Fun!!
mmi.zip1k04-12-12File is not ratedMatt Mario 1
This is a fun Mario world, with 10 levels. You will want to play this world over and over again!
moutainofsteeliiii.zip9k12-09-14File is not ratedMountain of Steel: Worlds I -III & 2 New Worlds!
Despite a spelling error I made in the previous edition - Mountain of Steel is back and better than ever! With the original 3 challenging (but very doable) 10 level worlds plus 2 all new worlds (one for beginners and an ultimate bowser world) you'll have loads (british word, right there) of fun. Hope you enjoy!
mroworld.zip1k12-12-25File is not ratedMario World
Mario world is a fun, pretty easy 8-level pack. Have fun!
mrpgtls.zip1k03-03-10File is not ratedMario RPG:The Last Star
Part two of Mario RPG!
mrpg.zip4k03-03-10File is not ratedMario RPG
Also try Mario RPG:The Last Star
m_shedoware.zip1k05-09-20File is not ratedShedoware Omega
Shedoware is a pack of 15 Quick Challenges which require you to have quick timing and god-like reflexes. Some of them can be very difficult (and annoying) but there are also many fun traps and secrets to figure out. Have fun!
mspace.zip23k04-09-12File is not ratedMario in Space
Here we go! My second Mario level pack is out! Be warned, this level pack is extremely challenging! This is probably going to take you a while to beat despite the fact that there are only four levels in this package. These levels require A LOT of skills in controling. 'Mario in Space' will guarantee fustration!
mspsks.zip2k11-02-10File is not ratedMario sp features
Do you know mario's special features? for example: go thourgh the ground? You can try it! these three worlds have some challanges for you it's 15, 3 and 2 levels. have a try!
mstg.zip1k04-03-09File is not ratedMario Seeks The Grail
This is a relatively hard level set with five levels. For those who are good at playing Mario, this will be fun and challenging.
mtac183plus.zip3k04-04-18File rated 7.66Mario Tactics
The very first Mario levelset that is entirely puzzle-based! Puzzles will do everything from tricking you, helping you, hindering you, or showing you things you've never seen. There are line illusions, mazes, two Bowser fights, and more! Will you solve them all, or die trying? What else? No power-ups! Includes 10 levels. For Mario 1.2 and 2.0.
mvb.zip1k01-09-30File is not ratedChasing Bowser
Medium Mario levels
myhijo.zip1k04-08-03File is not ratedGhetto
A level my friend made. Pretty easy, but fun, sorta.
myworlda.zip1k05-10-22File is not ratedMyWorldA
This is a Mario 1.2 levelset of five levels. They are themed with pyramids. This levelset was meant to be easy.
nacholand.zip2k08-03-25File is not ratedNacholand 1.9
Essentially the same as Nacholand (which was Nacholand 1.7) but slightly harder in certain levels, and slightly better backgrounds.
narrowescapes.zip6k03-03-10File is not ratedNarrow Escapes
Here are 10 different Mario levels, Each levels is 10-20 columns lon. Mario is put in some very difficult situations. These levels should bring some fun to the experienced player in a new, refreshing way!
neblixpack.zip9k03-07-21File is not ratedNeblix Pack
Go through the entire saga of Neblix! 9 challenging levels!
newhope_.8xp1k03-08-26File is not ratedStar Wars episode 4:A new Hope
A kid at school made the whole series of star wars for mario.This is the first one
newmario.zip5k06-11-20File is not ratedSuper Mario: The Lost Levels
Tired of easy, melancholy levels for your gaming machine? Try these new levels from BHoff Productions! Start with the easy (and I use the word lightly) first few levels, and work your way up the chain to the frantic and near impossible last levels. Good luck!
newworld.zip2k06-12-24File is not ratedNewWorld Version 2.0
In this version I removed some annoying problems (bugs) ex. you can't catch a flower because there's a brick on. This is one of my first creations of mario levels that I put on the internet. It's a very hard version with tactical levels and funny levels. It's an 9 level world with in the last level a funny message of blocks so don't just walk true the level but look at the blocks :p Watch out in level 3 and, those are very tactical levels.
ol83p.zip1k02-01-01File is not ratedMario 1.2/2.0 - Odd Land
Odd Land is the 2nd hardest level I've made. It's hard, but not impossibly hard, like Death Trap.
olympics.zip2k02-05-31File is not ratedOlympics Level
This is the Olympics Level. It is for Super Mario 83+. It is very difficult. Enjoy!
oranges.8xp7k02-03-06File is not ratedOrange World - for Mario v1.2
Sorry about the screw-ups in the last one, this one is harder and easier in some places.
orangesz.8xp6k02-03-10File is not ratedOrange World Z
This Orange World is a lot harder than the first, it's only 10 levels long.
orangeworlds.zip20k02-09-27File is not ratedOrange Worlds Set
This zip has 5 mario levels, all of them are very very hard, you'll need a lot of skill in order to beat these levels, well good luck!:)
original.zip1k01-07-09File is not ratedOriginal Mario lvls
These are 4 of the original mario lvls, my first lvl set
orngeszz.8xp12k02-03-28File is not ratedOrange World Z-Z for Mario v1.2
This is the ULTIMATE Orange World, it has 20 levels just like "Orange World"(the first one) it is very hard, not even I could beat it!
osl83p.zip1k02-01-01File is not ratedMario 1.2/2.0 - Old School Land
The original Mario levels from Mario 1 (NES!). Well, they're as acurate as I can remember them to be (which isn't much for the 3rd level), but it's easy, and the Bowser plays much like the original game.
p_______.8xp1k03-08-26File is not ratedTen levels of Bowser
A good 10 levels of Bowser defeating fun.believe me once you start playing you wont want to stop until you finally beat it.This is also a very popular game in my class at school.
papagstory.zip1k04-05-02File is not ratedPapa G Story
This was created by my friend Gary Toliver AKA Papa G. Tell me what you think at leonardo73187@msn.com
paradise.zip2k02-03-28File is not ratedMario Paradise
My first Levelset. Very good. Download this. Contains 8 levels. Probably many problems so E-mail me to tell me them. My E-mail is Icerock300@aol.com.
phantommenace.zip1k07-05-07File is not ratedThe Phantom Menace
This is an adaption of "Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace". The movie is owned by Lucasfilm, 20th Centruy Fox, and Lucasfilm. The program is called PHANTOM, and on Mario it appears as "The Phantom Menace".
pipel.zip2k06-09-24File is not ratedPipe Land
After the Bowser Battle of 2006 Bowser fled into pipe land to hide out. Now Mario is chasing after bowser to defeat him once and for all. This level is beatable but requires a little patience!
pirana.zip2k05-09-05File is not ratedPirana Plant Land
Use with Super Mario 1.2 Navigate your way through the 4 levels of Pirana Plant Land! Don't get eatin! Very Fun!
pkfixed.zip1k01-07-15File is not ratedMario Levels
This program includes two original mario levels and one I made up I had to modify the original ones a little so they would fit the maximum 128 columns. Hope you like them. I have more coming in a couple of days. Let me know
pl83p.zip1k02-01-01File is not ratedMario 1.2/2.0 - Pipe Land
Short, hard, fun (well, maybe more frustrating than fun, but you get the idea...)
plat1.zip1k02-06-01File is not ratedPlat-1 ( Super Mario level )
platb.zip1k02-06-08File is not ratedplat 2
pmario.zip6k01-12-22File is not ratedPeter's Mario Levels
These are 5 different Mario worlds, each with a different theme.
pookie.zip2k02-03-15File is not ratedPookie Land
This is a set of seven fun-filled levels for Mario. This is the first set of levels I have made for Mario so they're not the greatest but I think it's still worth downloading.
psycholevel.zip2k03-03-05File is not ratedPsycho World
My first levelset for Mario. Give it a try!
p.zip3k10-09-21File is not ratedPQP
It is a game I made one year ago, it is quite easy for me, it contains five levels and all are 128 columns long( in my memory) try it and you will have a lot of fun in it. You are suggested to try the first part first as it work as a practising world. The second part is really a challenge but if you can finish the first part, you can finish the second part also! The third part is very difficult and haven't been finished, anyway I will upload a newer version of the third part to you guys in the future.
qbasic.zip1k03-11-30File is not ratedQBASUC
QBASIC!!!!!!!!!!!!! interesting mario levelset
qw1lab.zip2k14-06-20File is not ratedQWorld Level 1: Lab Escape (for Mario v1.2+)
The first in a series of excellent levels by Alex Quesenberry for Super Mario 83+ (by Sam Heald). There are countless secrets and alternate routes to get through each level that will keep you coming back for more. Enjoy?
qw_1to4.zip7k04-10-23File is not ratedQW Pack
This is a compilation of the first four "Q Worlds" for Sam Heald's Mario v1.2+. The last world is still under construction... Oh, I need some help, plz email me with instructions for how to take screenshots.
qw1to5.zip10k05-05-07File is not ratedQ World COMPLETE
This is the final release of my Q World levels! I have finally removed the bugs from the first four levels (yes level 4 is beatable now). The Airship Adventure is very difficult, and each level brings you to a higher altitude until your final showdown above the clouds. I hope that you enjoy these levels... a lot of time from AP Stats went into them :) My email is kyuu_meister@yahoo.com. Feel free to email me with comments / suggestions / complaints.
qw2cano.zip2k14-06-20File is not ratedQWorld Level 2: Hot Lava (for Mario v1.2+)
The second in a series of excellent levelsets by Alex Quesenberry for Super Mario 83+ (by Sam Heald). There are countless secrets and alternate routes to get through each level that will keep you coming back for more. Enjoy?
qw3moves.zip2k14-06-20File is not ratedQWorld Level 3: Matrix Moves (for Mario v1.2+)
The third in a series of excellent levelsets by Alex Quesenberry for Super Mario 83+ (by Sam Heald). There are countless secrets and alternate routes to get through each level that will keep you coming back for more. Enjoy?
rbsmix1.zip1k05-12-10File is not ratedRBS Mix 1
My first Level set... Somewhat easy once you get the feel of it. Only three levels, and they're pretty easy to navigate. The easiest way to describe it is to expect the unexpected, especially on the last level. Enjoy!
remixii_.zip2k03-09-20File is not ratedSuper Mario Remix 2
The sequel to Super Mario Remix.This opens up just seconds after the end of the first one.this one also has 10 levels.Although it has the Back Door to the castle in Super Mario World and the Bowser fight too.
resistanceworld.zip8k10-11-04File is not ratedResistance World
A rather difficult world. It's short though, currently at only three levels. This should still be enough considering you'll die most of the time. Also includes Mario 2.0 and ALCDFIX for optimal gameplay.
return__.8xp1k03-08-26File is not ratedStar Wars episode 6:Return of the Jedi
The third star wars game made by a kid i know at school. Episodes 1 and 2 will be coming soon he told me.
revenge.zip1k01-12-22File is not ratedRevenge of the Goombas
I hate this level. I have been as yet unable to beat it. Even though I made it, I have yet to see the final flag. I've simply deleted it from my calculator to avoid destroying my calc out of frustration. I have decided to release this demon upon the world. But please, pay attention in math, and don't play while walking. If you do manage to beat it, please email me, or if you find any defects.
rockinmario.zip5k07-06-09File is not ratedRockin' Mario
These are some levels based off some songs, most of them are extremely difficult, I hope you enjoy them.
sbpmariolevels.zip6k04-02-16File is not ratedGold Rush Mario Levels
Well, it's finally out! The gold rush series ! It's a revision of the original SUPER MARIO : Bowers Revenge series. This time, there are 29 NEW LEVELS THAT I HAVE MADE ESPECIALLY FOR YOU GUYZ! I have worked hard on these levels, and they're all very challenging. They go in order from easy to hard, good luck! any comments, quetions? stonedbunnyproductions@yahoo.com please, email me about anything that you liked or disliked about the game.
seashore.zip1k03-03-04File is not ratedMario by the Sea
This world is the very first one I have made for the TI-83 plus. It contains five levels and is fairly easy. Some parts are difficult only because it is so easy to make a mistake. This program runs in both Mario 1.2 and 2.0
shadowworld.zip5k03-09-08File is not ratedShadowWorld FULL VERSION
It's here! The long-awaited full version the the ShadowWorld levelset! contains 12 levels which journey into the deepest, darkest reaches of the Mario universe. This levelset is a must-have. DOWNLOAD IT TODAY!
shadow.zip3k03-06-14File is not ratedShadowWorld
This is a 5-level preview of a much larger levelset soon to be released. Even though it's a demo, download it anyway. Each level has 100+ columns and beating it is no easy task.
ship____.8xp3k01-12-22File is not ratedJudgement Day
First Mario is taking a cruise on Bowser's ship. Then lands and travels until something interesting comes up. A big castle comes to view and goes inside. There Mario will travel to the end to meet his "doom", Judge Bowser, and tries to defeat him.
skilltester.zip1k05-10-21File is not ratedSuper Mario Skill Tester
Very fun game test all off your mario skills from hard levels to hard bowsers it has it all. Not complete but will be soon.
slreclps.zip1k03-06-02File is not ratedSolar Eclipse: World 2
In this world the levels start off as though you were in daylight and end out in complete darkness. I have checked this world many times for glitches and errors so it should run smoothly. This is a very compact, but hard world ;)!
sm1.zip1k01-07-15File is not ratedSuper Mario Original Levels
The first four original levels of the original Super Mario
smb3world2.zip2k11-05-27File is not ratedSuper Mario Bros. 3: World 2
World 2 is finally here! Battle your way through 8 desert levels adapted from the original Super Mario Bros. 3, including Bowser's fortress and his flying ship. Now you can finally play another classic Mario world besides World 1! Follow the instructions in README.txt to send the world to your calculator. If you like this world, please leave a review to encourage others to try it! This world requires Super Mario v1.2 and a TI-84+/SE. See README.txt for details.
sm_impossible.zip6k05-06-12File is not ratedSuper Mario: Mission Impossible :P
Mission Impossible will definitely be the hardest levels you will ever play! Watch for line illusions, invisible blocks (level 7), plants in the dark, falling goombas, and so much more. Be skillful and clever and in some cases, pixel-perfect as you navigate through 12 fantastic and difficult levels. If you think you're a good Mario player, these levels are for you! See also the readme for a general walkthrough of the levels.
smi.zip1k05-02-11File is not ratedSuper Mario Bros. I
Close to a replica of Super Mario Bros. I for the NES worlds 1 and 2. Hard enough to make you try a couple times, but not impossible.
sml1.zip2k07-05-16File is not ratedSuperMario Land 1
Super Mario Land 1
smland.zip3k13-05-05File is not ratedSuper Mario Land
And he's back! 12 new Mario levels that are totally epic! Run through brickland and enjoy yourself or not... in the fast-paced shell action level. Includes readme, which specifies all the levels and the genres they take on.
sm_medium_levels.zip5k05-09-15File is not ratedSuper Mario: Medium Levels
Includes Medium Levels 1 through 3. These levels were supposed to be really easy, but turned out somewhat harder than expected. Still, if you're not that good at Mario, you should be able to beat these levels. Enjoy.
smmi1.zip1k01-09-08File is not ratedSuper Mario: Mission Impossible
The hardest while beatable level-set for Super Mario. There is no way you can loss so you won't get kicked out. The hard parts includes longest jump ever, multiple "Big Guy", and many others
smmib.zip1k01-12-16File is not ratedSuper Marion Mission Impossible Black out (Man in Black)
Held inside darkness, a new thrill in SMMI is introduced. Face all you difficulties with a smile for it can get you lost!
smmi.zip1k01-12-16File is not ratedSuper Mario Mission Impossible Z (83+)
Getting as hard as SMMI, the SMMIZ is introducing what might be next in line. With more suprises and difficult levels, it is garanteed to make your class more than just teacher blahings. It can make you frustrating too if you can't figure out how to solve some levels.
sm_random_levels.zip1k05-09-17File is not ratedSuper Mario: Random Levels
It's only one 128-column level right now. Expect an update whenever.... Even though it's only 1 level long, it's hard. Recommended for more experienced players.
smrx.zip1k03-11-30File is not ratedSuper Maria RX
When mario goes mexican... 0_o
smsec1__.zip1k02-01-01File is not ratedSuper Mario-Leap of faith 1.0
A good med-hard levelset for supermario.
solreclp.zip1k03-05-27File is not ratedSolar Eclipse
In this world you start off in daylight, then eventually almost nothing can be seen. This world is hard, but not unbeatable!(hint: sometimes clouds and windows mark gaps!)
something.zip1k07-12-17File is not ratedSam's Almost Impossible Levels
Me and my friend Connor are really bored in Geometry. So, we dcide to make a mario level that's hard. This game will only work with Mario v2.0.
spar10.zip15k07-01-27File is not ratedSpar10 Ensemble
Four worlds to test your ability as defender of the Mushroom Kingdom
spikeworld1.zip1k11-03-17File is not ratedSuper Mario 2.0 Spike World 1
This is my first level set for Super Mario. Only play this level set with Super Mario 2.0, I do not think it will work with Super Mario 1.2. The world is made of mostly spikes. If you enjoyed this level set, please comment! See the readme for more information! Screenshots will be uploaded soon!
sprctln1.zip1k05-11-02File is not ratedSuper Chris Land 1
This is Super Chris Land 1. "Super" means there are more columns per level on average. There are three levels and a total of 215 columns. Other Super Chris Lands coming soon.
sprctln2.zip1k05-11-02File is not ratedSuper Chris Land 2
This is Super Chris Land 2. "Super" means there are more columns per level on average. There are two levels and a total of 200 columns. Other Super Chris Lands coming soon.
sprctln3.zip1k05-11-12File is not ratedSuper Chris Land 3
The third episode in the Super Chris Land series!!! (200 col.)
sprctln4.zip1k05-11-12File is not ratedSuper Chris Land 4
The fourth Super Chris Land!!! And yes, all the Super Chris Lands are possible.
sprctln5.zip1k05-11-12File is not ratedSuper Chris Land 5
The fifth and final part of the Super Chris Land series. This entire set of three levels takes advantage of Super Mario v2.0 glitches and probably won't be possible if you only have Super Mario v1.2. IT IS POSSIBLE WITH MARIO 2.0!!!
sprmlvls.zip2k12-11-18File is not ratedSupreme Mario Level Pack A
Supreme Mario Level Pack A for Mario. 12 levels. I am NOT responsible for any hair ripping out during math class.
steps.zip1k02-10-08File is not ratedTemple of Death
A 6 level pack of Mario Levels that are fairl hard and very fun
steve.8xp1k02-05-11File is not ratedSteve's Super Mario Levels
Ten levels targetted for beginners
strategyguideforgoldrush.zip10k05-03-13File is not ratedGold Rush 5 and Strategy Guide For Gold Rush Series
I added in a good strategy guide for Gold Rush 3, very detailed. And some more info. I also added another demo level for Gold Rush 5, which is GLDRUSHX.8xp
suburb83p.zip1k02-11-01File is not ratedMario 1.2/2.0 - Suburbia
This is a short world with only two levels. You climb on houses' rooftops and watch out for the goomba vans. The Bowser is very challenging in this one.
supermariobros.4levelset.zip3k03-03-08File is not ratedSuper Mario Bros. 4 for Mario 2.0
This is 4 level sets for Mario 2.0, each one has 4 levels on it, each one is a bit easy once you figure out how to do it, and you'll have to get used to the new swim ability.
supermariobrosb.zip1k03-08-22File is not ratedSuper Mario Bros (1985) World II
The second set of the 1985 NES Mario Bros levels. The next sets will come more quickly.
supermariobros.zip1k03-04-26File is not ratedSuper Mario Bros (1985)
This is an attempt to recreate the original NES levels for the TI-83, so far it has one of 8 worlds. Any input would be appreciated, as these are my first levels.
supermarioland.zip1k02-01-01File is not ratedSuper Mario Land: Super Mario v1.2 (or higher)
This is pretty much an exact replication of the first three levels of Super Mario Land for GameBoy!
supermariomadness.zip1k06-10-02File is not ratedSuper Mario Madness
This is my 20th Mario level. It is very easy at first and the last level is almost impossible. There are five levels and they all can be beat. This level takes advantage of all aspects of the game. I strongly recomend some experience with this game before doing this level. It works with Mario 1.2.
supermariozero.zip20k02-10-15File is not ratedSuper Mario Zero
These are some linking levelsets that I am not done with yet. They are very graphical, very fun, and increase in difficulty as you get to the higher and higher worlds. It isn't finished yet though. Includes Mario 2.0beta by Sam Heald.
supermario.zip2k07-12-17File is not ratedDream Escape: Nightmare
EXTREMELY CHALLENGING Mario level. Everyone is welcomed to try, but only experts will beat it. My first Mario level, and only I've beaten it so far. Download and tell me what you think. ;)
superpimpgt.zip1k04-05-02File is not ratedSuper Pimp GT
This was created by my friend Gary Toliver AKA Papa G. Tell me what you think at leonardo73187@msn.com
tenpack.zip1k02-10-28File is not ratedMegaTenPack for Mario
Ten Levels for Mario Very long for the patient gamer
tetris.zip1k05-12-11File is not ratedTetris land
A 5 level world for mario 2.0. The pieces are arranged like tetris pieces. These levels are VERY hard so that is why there is no password. (so you can modify). Have fun.
theadventuresofmario.zip2k06-03-11File is not ratedThe adventures of mario
A fun & hard mario level
thequest.zip4k03-03-10File is not ratedThe Quest
A Super Mario 83+ level set consisting of 8 levels. Through these very hard levels Mario is on a breathtaking quest! Mario has to safe the princess before it's too late. You'll have to fight your way trough many different settings and beware: Bowser has set up a lot of tricky traps. A nice storyline is included together with a readme file and a tips & tricks file. Recommended for the experienced player!
thetotallyevillevels.zip9k08-09-23File is not ratedThe Totally Evil Levels
These levels are moderately difficult and have many challenges in them. Try them if you dare!
thomasworld1.zip1k05-03-02File is not ratedThomas World I
The first levelset I ever created for Mario. It is three levels long, not especially challenging but still enjoyable. I mainly uploaded this not to really "show it off," but to complete the "Thomas World" series. Check it out!
thomasworld2.zip2k05-03-02File is not ratedThomas World II
The second installment in the Thomas World series. This time, it is a full levelset, six levels including the end "Bowser" boss finale. Venture through many worlds... castles, underground, the ship. These levels are semi-challenging, but an experience player can probably bull though them. They still provide plenty of challenge for players who aren't masters though and are fun to play none-the-less. Also, these follow normal Mario level rules, meaning they might look like something you would see in the actual game. Nothing crazy or ridiculous, just good clean Mario fun.
thomasworld3.zip2k05-03-02File is not ratedThomas World III
The third installment in the Thomas World series. This is a full levelset, six levels including the end "Bowser" boss finale. Venture through many worlds... castles, underground, the ship. These levels are pretty challenging... most people think Thomas World IV is harder, but some have told me this is the most challenging. It should provide plenty of entertainment for all skill sets, and although challenging, its not frustrating like a lot of the levels.
thomasworld4.zip29k05-03-07File is not ratedThomas World IV
The fourth installment in the Thomas World series. This is a full levelset, six levels including the end "Bowser" boss finale. Venture through many worlds... underground, the ship, and an all new waterworld level! These levels are very challenging, and what I believe the most difficult in the series. Novice players might get frustrated, but they are fun and stiff test to those more experienced.
tl83p.zip1k02-01-01File is not ratedMario 1.2/2.0 - Tree Land
Easier than most of my levels (except for a challenging bullet-bouncing "fest" near the end of the 1st level), this level's lots of fun for intermediate Mario players.
tower.zip2k08-08-11File is not ratedThe Ziggurat
Explore the ancient Mesopotamian ruins while staying alert on Bowser's presence.
tpm.zip2k03-07-22File is not ratedThe Phantom Menace
unfinsished version of the phantom menace for ti83+! finished version to come out soon.
tree.zip1k02-04-27File is not ratedMario Tree Land
A very hard mario level... ... ... well atleast nobody i know acept me can beat it.
trevorsworld1.zip1k04-01-26File is not ratedTrevor's Level 1
good levels
trevorsworld2.zip1k04-01-26File is not ratedTrevor's World 2
good levels
trevorsworld3.zip2k04-01-26File is not ratedTrevor's World 3
good levels
trevor.zip1k04-01-26File is not ratedTrevor's Level
tricky.zip1k04-01-26File is not ratedTricky World
A very hard levelset for Super Mario. Enjoy and let me know how you like it.
u2.zip1k05-11-10File is not ratedWorld 9
NOTE: READ THE README BEFORE DOWNLOADING. The long lost 9th World! Ok, I made it up. I originally named this "level" because I didn't know what I was going to do. Eventually it became World 9-1 through 9-4, like the original. I have an overworld, underground, treetops, and a Bowser Dungeon, like the original. (I didn't make the underground all dark, because it's hard to see.) It has a lot of puzzle and action elements. And the Bowser boss battle is my own pesonal little "Zelda style" boss battle. It's a huge hit with my friends. It would be extremely difficult, had I not littered it with 1-Ups. But you need them because you'll die a lot. (World 10 coming soon, I'm already done with the 1st level!)
ultimatelevels.zip11k04-04-09File is not ratedUltimate Level: 1
The best Mario level ever. Guaranteed at least 15 minutes of gameplay. 16 levels, including two bonus levels and a boss level (see read-me). This is only for Mario 2.0 (included). Don't try it for 1.2 (it won't mess up your calc, but it's impossible)!It's been playtested a lot... so there's no glitches! Look forward to Ultimate Level: 2, coming soon! A MUST DOWNLOAD!!!
ultimatemario.zip1k02-11-23File is not ratedUltimate Mario 1.0
Ultimate Mario 1.0 is a set of 3 mario levels for Super Mario on the Ti-83+. Only 3 levels included. I will try to come out with an update as soon as I can.
ultimate.zip7k07-03-08File is not ratedUltimate Levels
These are the ultimate levels. It has to be the longest levelset out there. It has 100 levels! It is divided into 5 sets so if you die on level 100 you start back at 80 instead of 1. The first 20 are very easy so don't think they will all be like that. :)
usa.zip1k04-05-14File is not ratedMario USA
This is the final update to mario usa! Have fun.
utest.zip1k05-06-23File is not ratedThe Ultimate Test Battle
The Ultimate Test Battle is a level for Super Mario on the TI-83+. It contains many levels which are all bowser fights and other challenges and is an excellent challenge for those of you who have beaten all the other mario levels in existance. The fights require you to fight bowser under special conditions such as on donuts, with spikes nearby, with cannons shooting at you, underwater, and much more. Good luck - you'll need it.
u.zip1k02-11-20File is not ratedU
my first levels for mario. medium dificulty, must have. made by the creator of the omega levels
vva1.zip1k04-02-03File is not rated(LiE) Zylon I v1.4
I turned the difficulty notch down a level or two. Much more beatable. Email suggestions and comments to me.
vva2.zip1k04-01-22File is not rated(LiE) Zylon II v1.1
Made some places harder. Fixed a place in the third evel where it was impossible to get through. Nobody probably got to the third level, but still. Made some places easier. Email suggestions and comments to me.
vva3.zip1k04-01-22File is not rated(LiE) Zylon III v1.0
Lightning Elements present to you Zylon III. I would say it is easier thnn Zylon II. Theme is dodge the cannons and bullets :P. Email suggestions and comments to me.
vva4.zip1k04-02-06File is not rated(LiE) Zylon IV v1.0
This levelset containt no bullets or cannons. ;) Email suggestions and comments to me.
vvb1.zip1k04-01-22File is not rated(LiE) Trick Tips I v1.2
10 levels that makes your mind think and tests your puny reflexes. These levels are made by bugs which I found in the Mario game. Level four is possible. I promise. Email suggestions and comments to me.
vvb2.zip1k04-04-17File is not rated(LiE) Trick Tips II v1.1
This level set deals mainly with mushrooms. All levels are possible. At least you will learn something about mushrooms. If a mushroom is avalable, you better get it before you go onto the next level or else... Also most every other level are just there to transform you back into your regular size.
vvc1.zip1k04-01-22File is not rated(LiE) Mad Skillz I v1.0
Contains 1 level. Never run out of lives. Nearly impossible, but possible since I beat it. Object is to get the mushroom from the start to the end. You must eat the mushroom while under the two spikes at the end, which will thus allow you to jump through them onto the finish line. As the name suggests, this is a very hard level which requires lots of skills. Email suggestions and comments to me.
wacky_wo.zip2k01-08-10File is not ratedwacky worlds
Here are seven levels I have came up for the Super Mario game let me know how you like them
war.zip3k06-09-26File is not ratedThe Great Battle
Bowser has declared war on the world and is now sending his army to conquer the world. Will Mario be able to stop his army and defeat Bowser once again! This has 15 Levels of difficult play! but is beatable. Read the Read-Me for more info!
world42.zip1k01-09-19File is not rated"World 42" a super mario level fun and challenging
4 fairly large levels (about 100 columns each) total.
world_x.zip3k02-03-16File is not ratedWorld X
This is another level for Mario. You need Mario installed and ION for this to work. Pretty hard game, and fun too. If you would like to see another email me at IronJ221@hotmail.com and tell me yes or no.
wrwrldrx.zip2k03-06-02File is not ratedWater World: World 2
This is a world that contains 13 intense water based levels. The world is hard, but very beatable. I have checked this world many times for glitches and errors so it should run smoothly. This is a favorite amongst my high school class :)!
wtrwrldr.zip1k03-05-29File is not ratedWater World RX
This is a compact and challenging level for mario. It is mostly water based making it even more challenging. Please report errors via e-mail: mirra@cox.net username;mirra
xmas.zip8k06-01-28File is not ratedA Christmas Gift
After 3 long (okay the first one is short) and difficult levels, you can read a cliche Christmas message that I included in the game! It's mostly an aerial level, as I do not have the patience of making ground. However, it's harder than meets the eye. Took me two weeks before I finally made it to level three, and all my friends, except for a pro, said it was unbeatable (that friend said it was too easy). So without further ado, have fun with my Christmas Gift!
yellowworldlevelset.zip4k03-03-08File is not ratedYellow World for Super Mario 2.0
This is 2 level sets for mario 2.0 that will get you through algebra class.

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