Miscellaneous Ideas
Post your ideas for new miscellaneous programs here, or build on ideas posted by other visitors.
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Of interest
I have been thinking of how to create a program that...
Every time somebody links, as long as they are linked, the people linking, unless they have the right program, cannot access their link menu, and the program is sent to the other person.
Though this sounds like a virus of sorts, and it probably is, I need this program as part of some research I'm doing.
Of course, it could be used to impress friends, so please, in the rare event that somobody actually does what I suggest and doesn't just say "Oh, I think I know HOW to do it, but I can't program in asm", please do not make the way to dissable it TOO obvious.
Thanks... maybe
18 September 2004, 20:32 GMT
Re: Miscellaneous Ideas
I have been trying to make an Open menu using FLib. This is currently not working. Does anybody have any tips or source?
19 September 2004, 04:51 GMT
help me please respond quickly
what is asm that everyone is talking about how do i program in asm?
is it a calc app program or a pc file
whatever it is tell me and or where to find it
25 September 2004, 05:22 GMT
Re: Miscellaneous Ideas
TI-84+ ROM image? Does such a thing exist? None of the programs here have any way of obtaining a ROM image from a TI-84+, and it'd be a fantastically useful thing to have... Or any other alternative?
2 October 2004, 00:46 GMT
VTI Rom Expander
I found a rom editor for Super Mario World (SNES), and it had a Rom expander, so that if you edit so many things, that you run out of mem, it just blows up the rom with empty space and uses it from there.
Couldn't the same be applied to a TI rom?...
Maybe give a TI-83 plus rom 5 megs of ROM and 1 meg of ram...
(for use on the VTI only, of course, but it would still be neat)
People could then develop massive games for use only on VTI... or you could develop MUCH more easily. Just a thought.
5 October 2004, 01:29 GMT
Re: Miscellaneous Ideas
Hello, I just bought a brand new TI-89T calculator, and it is PERFECT except for one thing.... I miss my Scitools app from my 83+. This is such a big problem for me that i'm actually considering carrying both of them around just so I can do sigfigs and unit conversions. There's not a whole lot of software like that (and of that quality) for the 89 yet. If I had SciTools on my 89T it would be PERFECT. So....
How hard would it be to port SciTools to the 89T?
Is there anyone out there who would do it, or teach me how to do it (if it can be done w/ little experience)?
12 October 2004, 19:16 GMT
text editor for ti89
I was wondering if there is a good text editor for the ti-89. Some features I would like to see are:
Word wrap
Viewable in diffent font sizes
Text effects like bold, italics, underline
Maybe different fonts
And most importantly: the ability to open a text document by typing its name (and only its name) at the home screen
If someone could whip one up, or point me to one, it would be a good thing.
17 October 2004, 03:24 GMT
calculator jokes
me and a friend of mine have made several miscellaneous calculator jokes. also we cannot work out how to upload the programs. could somone explain how to do this. if we are told how to do this then we could upload some of them
18 October 2004, 00:24 GMT
Re: Miscellaneous Ideas
Does anyone know of a program for the ti-89 that runs programs when you turn it on? (just like the startup folder on windows) If not, could anyone make one? I would really like to be able to run a program like that.
18 October 2004, 20:34 GMT
Re: Miscellaneous Ideas
Michael Ghidiu
Most people probably already know this, but to get rid of that awful "Done" when a program ends just put on the last line right before it ends Output(1,1,""
20 October 2004, 22:31 GMT
The CRAP interpretter
(Web Page)
I got bored last night, so I made the world's crappiest programming language interpretter; I called it prgmCRAP...though it is a BASIC program (most of the reason it's crap), it has something that BASIC does not have; subroutines!
here is how it works; you store your program in L1, then run prgmCRAP, and it runs your program. Each statement works by having a number represent each command, all of which then take inputs; here they are:
0: Stop the program
1: Return from subroutine otherwise Stop
2: Jump to some index in the program
3: call a subroutine (jump to some index, then come back to this spot when it returns)
4: Load a variable with a value
5: Load a variable with the value of another variable
6: Add a value to a variable (var = var+value)
7: Add a variable to a variable
8: Multiply a variable by a value
9: Multiply a variable by a variable
10: "IF" variable to value (if a given condition is false, skip a given amount of the program)
11: "IF" variable to variable
I have not said the input order for everything, and I wont yet...numberic values are as is (to subtract, use a negative value; to divide, multiply 1/value); String values follow this format: size,char,char..etc, where all the usable chars are stored in order in Str0...I will be more specific when I upload it
Any ideas for this? I know it's stupid, but whatever; just the idea that you can make an interpretter in BASIC, and even one that allows something BASIC doesn't even have!
I have to still add these things in: Disp, Pause, ClrHome, Input, Getkey, ClrDraw, and more; more than one form of each will be used
10 November 2004, 14:30 GMT
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