Miscellaneous Ideas
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Can anybody make a program for the 83+ (without exhausting the memory) that displays icons on the graph screen (lists ,variables ,applications...) such that you can edit variables and programs. Include an icon-DOS-that allows various features including running/editing programs, (un)archiving, (un)locking,(un)hiding, calc.info... and Calc. which acts like the home screen of the calculator without including the other items (as described above) This is probably not possible but if it is, please try to make/find it. Thanks.
23 December 2003, 12:30 GMT
Re: Assembly
(Web Page)
Depends on what calc you're using...for the 86, follow the "Programming" link at the top of the page, select "Tutorials", and find Ciarin McCreesh's asm tutorial. For the 83+, I haven't actually used it, but I've heard that the "learn assembly in 28 days" one is good...it's somewhere in the informational text section of the archives here.
As for an emulator, download VTI 2.5 (also in the ticalc.org archives). Since it emulates a full calc, you can test anything you want on it (asm, BASIC, etc.).
Also, I really don't mean to be discouraging or anything, but you might want to start with something MUCH simpler than a windows-like GUI for your first assembly program. ;-) (this comes from first-hand experience)
5 February 2005, 19:18 GMT
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Windows
hey same person, lost my password and made a new one. hey i made a program that frees up some memory, and it works if your strings are big, also if you get my program , before the disp"done" could you and list 2 store as list 1, list 3 store as list 1, ect. i can guaruntee you it will free up memory, no know bug, cause it is so small, and only frees up some space, not like 6000 bytes. thanks.
btw email me at bunkerdude103@hotmail.com, not my aim email.
10 May 2006, 00:45 GMT
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