Miscellaneous Ideas
Post your ideas for new miscellaneous programs here, or build on ideas posted by other visitors.
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C/C++/c for 83+
why doesn't someone write a C,C++, or c complier for te 83+.I know people will say stuff about size.So why not after compilation disassemble the program and optimize it for size and speed at the assewmbly level.
25 July 2003, 22:39 GMT
text editor
I dont know if this has been done yet, but i think it would be a good idea:
A text editor that uses the graph size text, and has word wrapping. Word wrapping would be the key feature here. I think it would be quite difficult, but greatly appreciated.
Also, does anyone know how to access all the greek symbols and other characters? I havent been able to figure that out.
11 August 2003, 15:33 GMT
Re: Miscellaneous Ideas
Why doesn't someone make a shell for the '83+ that displays and can run ALL programs, not just Ion, MirageOS, or TSE ones? I would write this myself, but I'm used to asm for the '86, and it'll take a bit to learn assembly for the '83+.
17 August 2003, 01:51 GMT
Guess the # in 83+ ASM
q x
How would/can one access the calcs' random number generator in TI-83+ assemlby Language code, I'd REEAAAALLYYYYYYYYYY--- like to know thx.
RSVP: By another post on this board or my e-mail, q_dmc12@yahoo.com , by the way, I'm Ben.
20 August 2003, 18:42 GMT
Re: Miscellaneous Ideas
(Web Page)
I'm totally new to Calc programming, but I would appreciate it if someone would clear this up for me...
Is it possible to have your calc hooked up through you cable, and send info to your computer?
I know that it's possible (obviously) to send stuff to your calc from your computer, but is it possible to send stuff to your computer from your calc?
I would like to know if it is possible to send data like this... I've got an idea for programming - you can use your calc to control certain functions on your computer.
Obviously you would need some software hooked on to your com port, but that shouldn't be the hard part.
So... can your calc send data to your computer?
22 August 2003, 01:10 GMT
TRY ME - I will do [not quite] ANYTHING in BASIC
(Web Page)
I am SO bored & Out of Ideas for TI83+ BASIC and Java AWT; I challenge anyone to see what I can't do in TI83+ BASIC that is remotely possible; I can't get my "Egyptian War" to work correctly, & it's not my fault, the calc is just being stupid! (I am still exploring some features of the JSDK, but have it mostly down). I COULD make an all-out 3D wireframe editor like the one I'm making using the JSDK (java), but it would be REALLY REALLY SLOW, and take up at least of all the Memory. Go ahead and give me any challenge, but PLEASE: I do NOT WANT 2000 POSTS for me on the SAME THING. Also, don't expect me to make something like "Command & conquer" or expect something like that to work at any decent speed as a BASIC PROGRAM. (There is even a way around recursion (modules/procedures, calls whithin calls) called a STACK); Okay, I am ready for you people to ask me to do things that shouldn't be done in z80 BASIC...Hello?...does anybody every read this stuff?
28 August 2003, 22:25 GMT
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