Miscellaneous Ideas
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ti-83+ ebook reader
James Bulloch
If anyone's like me,they stumble across quite a few ebooks they might want to read and don't want to spend a ton of cash on a pda wich aren't allowed(at least on my campus,wich is a college and highschool for both students) until afterhours. A while back,i had the novel idea of reading ebooks on a ti-83+ calc form plain text files. Since i can only progam in basic, i tryed wirting a small program that would translate text files into "PRINT <Lines>" formats in basic wich then could be opened on a ti-83+ calc and scrolled through. However,i was never able to finish the idea and now don't have the time,so if anyone wants to make a graphical interface reader and some software to convert text to that form,or is there one allready?
24 May 2003, 08:09 GMT
Re: Miscellaneous Ideas
Avram Eisner
Does anyone know of a program to get a TI-83+ SE rom onto a PC using the silver-usb link? All the programs like romdump don't seem to work with it!
Avram E.
30 May 2003, 18:48 GMT
Re: Miscellaneous Ideas
George Wellman
TIMM (video convertor for all TI calcs) is incredibly annoying because the videos have to fit in RAM and often are over 24k. Why doesn't someone write an App video conversion program, to make videos as apps rather than ASM programs, so that we could have videos up to 160k?
6 June 2003, 01:43 GMT
I've had the idea of a program (ported to all calcs) to allow them to transmit data. One good thing that could be done with this is sending TI-BASIC programs from, say, an 86 to an 89, translating it, then making it run on the 89. Programmers could also incorporate the code into games, making them multiplayer with any other calc.
I would love to make this work BUT I don't know anything about the non-89 link specifications or protocals. If anyone knows anything about these, or has already made something similar, please post!
11 June 2003, 03:10 GMT
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