Graphics Program Ideas
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Re: Graphics Program Ideas
mike White
once i got a yellow brown on my screen on a 83+ basic program!!
17 December 2003, 21:44 GMT
Re: Graphics Program Ideas
Hello again, I fixed the program lag problem, but am now having another problem, i made a map program in which the map is stored in one large string and you walk around it outputs subsets of the string around you to show you where you are (this is in BASIC by the way) but when one gets near the bottom of the map, the program slows way down because it is picking up all those substrings from the back of the big string. It becomes almost unbearable. Now, ive thought about using all the strings instead of just one and that would make it a heck of a lot faster, but it would take up almost twice as much memory. Does anybody have any ideas, or has developed a similar program that does not have this problem? I need to be able to handle at least 2000 rooms per map.
20 December 2003, 18:03 GMT
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