Are They Necessary?
Posted on 4 March 1999
The following text was written by Shane
Burgess: I have talked with many fellow classmates and college professors
about using graphing calculators. Some of the questions I asked were as simple as "which
one should I get?" and some were as complex as how to use specific functions on a certain
calculator. But, if a class really doesn't need a graphing calculator, and the instructor
doesn't support their use in a class, then they may just get in the way. Especially if the
user is playing games during class time. Most of the math instructors at the
community college I attend require the use of graphing calculators. This is great, for it
has been proven that when graphing calculators are in the curriculum, they do indeed help
the students understand the necessary concepts faster and more efficiently. They are a tool,
a very powerful tool, and they should not be abused. Graphing Calculators were
designed to help students grasp the concepts of Algebra, Algebra II, and other graphing
concepts. Even though they are capable of playing games, that is not what they were meant
for. Playing games while in a class will be distraction, a disturbance to others, and slow
done the lesson for the class. Many instructors are aware of the fact graphing calculators
can play games, and they won't allow them for the lesson or for the entire class. This is
not what we want to happen. Graphing calculators are an essential tool for
learning difficult concepts. I applaud the teachers that feel as strong as I do about them.
If a student is only playing games on their calculator, then maybe they should have the
privilige of using a calculator taken away. That's correct, using a graphing calculator is a
privilige, not a right. A student can fight and moan about losing their calculator, but if
they were misusing the "tool" then it is fair. Graphing calculator games are great
and a lot of fun. It is okay to have them on the calculator, but to avoid any possible
conflicts, try to follow these general guidlines: - DO NOT play games during
a lecture or during an important lesson. No matter how boring.
- Use the calculator only
when the instructor allows. If the instructor says no calculators, then put the
calculator(s) away.
- Spend more time taking notes by hand and listening to the instructor
during lectures. If you use your calculator to take notes, then type them up after class. It
can be a distraction to others if you are "flaunting" your calculator to take notes.
- If
you are in a class that doesn't require graphing calculators as part of the lesson, PUT IT
AWAY!! Again, this can be a distraction for the user and the surrounding people.
- If you
must play games, play them when you have the time. If you have a test to study for, save the
games for later. Wait until you have the time.
- Graphing calculators are tools. Respect
that, and if necessary, remove the games if they are getting to be too much of a
distraction. Use the calculator for what it was intended.
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Re: Are They Necessary?
I have an idea that would solve any controversy. Let the kid do whatever the heck he (or she) wants and if he flunks then flunk him! As far as I'm concerned it is the student's decision weither or not he want to do good.
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2 April 2004, 23:53 GMT
Re: Are They Necessary?
I think my teacher knows people play games on calculators, but she says "Don't push buttons like that, it breaks the calculator" then takes it.
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19 January 2005, 22:57 GMT
Re: Are They Necessary?
they should be able to if the want to flunk, but dont do what i do and make games on the teachers calculators. lol one time i seen my teacher actually "inadvertently" played a crappy keep away game i made . (all it did was have a "0" chase you around and you were an "x" and had to keep away.)
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21 January 2006, 06:30 GMT
Re: Are They Necessary?
(Web Page)
School's sole purpose is to ensure that students have basic skills needed throughout life. Therefore, a student's sole responsiblities in school are to ensure that they learn those basic skills and that they do not interfere when others try to learn those.
If a student knows a subject well enough to score in the high nineties, that student has fulfilled their obligation to learn the basic skill taught in the subject. It is not that student's responsibility to make the teacher feel falsely important.
If a student plays games on a calculator during class AND gets high test scores, there is no reasonable proof that that person cheats, has a low IQ, or is uninterested in the subject or learning in general.
Though calculators are not produced for games, it is not immoral or unethical to use them for games. For proof, look at spinoffs. The word spinoff means something that is used for some useful purpose other that its original purpose, and there are many useful spinoffs.
Games are not a waste of time. People play games (such as tag, football, DOOM, etc.) from very early in their lives until the end of their lives, because they are enjoyable.
Games are not a waste of resources. Empty space is much more a waste of usable memory than a game. If the space is really needed for something else, a game can be removed. The time used by the processor would not have been used for any useful purpose, leading to a waste of the processor. The batteries are the only thing that may be considered wasted. However, these batteries may be replaced for a cost lower than that of playing games in an arcade, which actually ends up saving money.
It is not a responsibility of a student to help the world image of US students by scoring higher on tests that actually mean very little. If self-image is really important, note that the US invents and produces most important high tech devices and applications, as it has done for the past few centuries. Some examples are automobiles, several spinoffs of automobiles, manned flight, transistors, televisions, nearly all types of radio equipment, nearly all types of telephone equipment, computers, nearly all computer operating systems, TCP/IP, nearly all other computer networking systems. Do I need to continue ?
If you have a logical reason for disagreement, please respond with that reason. Please do not reply with something along the lines of "shutup you stupid idiot, that's the stupidest thing I ever heard" or "I ought to kill you [or your computer]." I will simply ignore this (unless it is followed by valid points). Any person who uses only ad hominems and threats apparently has no actual reasons for believing what they say and has bad reasoning skills.
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19 August 1999, 08:13 GMT
Re: Are They Necessary?
A calculator is a tool but that doesn't mean that putting games on it is "evil". I've spent hours and hours just sitting at my desk waiting for everyone else to finish their work, why shouldn't i be able to play a quick game of Tetris?
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6 September 1999, 05:51 GMT
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Re: Re: Are They Necessary?
Gavin M. Northey
(Web Page)
I don't believe that the author meant that using a calculator to play games is evil.
What the author mant was that games are not to be played during class. Just because a student has a 4.0 or better doens't mean that it is right either. Take this for example, you work in an office, you complete your duties for the morning, nad surpass all expectations for quality. Since you will not get anymore work for another hour, you start up tetris. Sure you turn off the sound, but you still cause a distraction. This could be applied to almost any work environment (where you're in a group), similar to school. Likewise, using a calculator to play games will be noticed by other students, and therefore could be destracting.
I will disagree with the author on one point. THere is reasonable use for taking notes on a calculator. While keboards (relased this fall) could create excessive noise if used by everyone, I believe there is practical use in the class room. First, I encourage students to avoid the use of a calculator unless there is specific need for a typing device. I will say that I will be using the new TI Keyboard this fall as soon as it is released. I have received privellege to do so under a 504 Plan (these are gauranteed to students with disabilities via the ADA).
I find that as calculators evolved with more tools for productivity, we ought to consider them, and adopt all the good options. I also encourage options for entertainment. THe author is correct overall, the calculator must be used responsibly.
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13 July 2002, 07:21 GMT
Re: Are They Necessary?
(Web Page)
Ok, I really don't understand why this guy that wrote this article is really anti-calc games. I usually play my on my calc during all my boring classes but so far my GPA is a 3.97. I even had a 100 average in my pre-ap geomotry class and thats the class I play my games the most. I think that its about the person playing the games that is doing bad in a class is what we should be con against, not the genius in the back of the class bored out of his mind playing a game of Galaxian on his calc.
- Derrick
P.S. - Get Blocked In for the 86. It's a cool game but hasn't got the credit it deserves.
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5 October 1999, 03:59 GMT
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Re: Re: Re: Are They Necessary?
I have a pretty high GPA, too, and I play my SE all of the time, including while the teacher is on her soap box (which I know is not right), but I'd like to say that alot of people that don;t know how to use them use the program editor to store information to cheat on tests! Teachers are aware of it, too, and some won't allow us to even bring one to class! That gives us all a bad rap for those that actually know how to use the calculator. Other students complain about how software like Symbolic (kudos to Detached Solutions on that) gives us an unfair advantage, but what about the people that use them for "cheat sheets"? What about them? Because of them, we lose our tools that we know how to use, and that my frineds, is not right. :(
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6 February 2003, 02:40 GMT
Re: Are They Necessary?
Kian Cochrane
You are a dumbass!!! The worst thing that playing games on your TI calc can do is bring down your percentage from a 100% to a 90%. both of these grades are A's, so does it really matter whether you play or not?
P.S. I know what you are thinking. You're thinking that if you get a 90% instead of a 100%, your class rank will be lower, and you will get an A- instead of an A+. Only dumbass schools still use class rank and +,- modifiers! Since only dumbass students attend dumbass schools, what does that say about anyone who tries to complain?
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22 October 1999, 23:02 GMT
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