Z80 Emulation on 68K Calculators
Posted on 8 September 1998
The following text was written by Michael Bryan
Cook: I just got a TI-89 the other day and was thinking about the fate of my
trusty 83 and 85 when I though of this idea. The 92, 92+, and 89 are all 10mhz 68k
processors. The rest of the 8x line (except for the 80) are 6mhz Z80s. So it seems to me
that the 68k calcs would be fully capable of running some program to emulate the 80x line
so that we could run the ASM games for them. This would not only make an easier way to put
programs on multiple calcs because there is no need to program in both Z80 and 68k but
also this means even on the just released 89 and the fairly new there would be a HUGE
library of games. Because they are 4mhz faster they should be able to handle it and the
+500k of mem on the 89 and 92+ would easily allow you to hold a program like this no matter
how big and still have space for games. This would be a great idea and I'd love it if one
of you TI experts could do this. The screens on the 89 and 92(+) are bigger than any other
so this would work too. Now I know that this would be hard but look at what we've done!
We've put ASM games on the 'impossible' TI-92 and TI-82, hacked the TI-85, made memory
expanders, changed the font on the TI-85, and done so many other things that I don't think
that it's fair to say we couldn't do it if we set our mind to it!
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Look, to finally finish this speed question...
On my PC, I have a TI-8x Emulator. I have tried
various others, both good and bad, which produce
the same results.
An emulated z80 produces results twice faster than
the real calc, on a 450MHz K6-3.
So, how on earth is an M68k going to cope?? I
don't think they're quite as fast, or even a
third as fast, as a PC processor. Similar
emulation would be required, however.
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21 April 1999, 17:41 GMT
emulator for all
Greg Myers
Someone needs to work on a program to emulate all of the ti calcs to work on any of them, so that once a program is made for one calc it would be able to be emulated for them all, and then many more games would be accessable for everyone. Maybe the emulator would only do the low 80's together, and the higher 80's, like the 89, and the 90's as a different group, because these groups are more similiar to each other, and would be able handle the same stuff at about the same speeds.
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6 May 1999, 00:06 GMT
Re: Article: "Z80 Emulation on 68K Calculators"
donde encuentro el emulador para las ti89\92
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4 August 1999, 00:46 GMT
Re: Article: "Z80 Emulation on 68K Calculators"
Dan E
(Web Page)
Well, emulating one procesor on another is quite a big deal. It would take alot of programming and would even on the 92, probably run slower than on the original calc. It is however, and pretty good idea that should be looked into. Not neccesarily done, but at least looked into.
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9 September 1998, 01:55 GMT
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