Rare TI Calculator Prototype
Posted by Michael on 8 February 2007, 22:18 GMT
Joerg Woerner of the Datamath Calculator Museum has been kind enough to share with us photos and information about a never-released TI prototype calculator: the PLT SHH1, featuring an OMAP 1510 processor, 16 MB RAM, and a SD slot. In conjunction with its PLT WS1 cradle, it also had 802.11b wireless capability. Joerg is asking that anyone with additional information about this calculator e-mail him.
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Re: Rare TI Calculator Prototype
(Web Page)
Wow, you could make some AWESOME games on that if it could take ASM or a similar language!
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8 February 2007, 23:11 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Rare TI Calculator Prototype
(Web Page)
ASM is basically enumeration for machine code. Thus, this machine code tells the processor what to do. For example, put the integer 4 in the first register. The only way that this would be possible would be if:
1. BASIC compiled to machine code in this implementation.
2. There was a translator that translated BASIC into instructions.
In the first case, it would use machine code. In the second case, it would still use machine code (in some form) internally, perhaps in an optimized manner. This would not be visible to the user, and the user would think that the processor directly ran tokenized BASIC. It would be much more efficient (that is, if one would wish to have hardware-based BASIC) to have two separate units, one for machine code execution and another feeding into the first one that would translate the tokenized BASIC into machine code. Perhaps there would be an insignificant loss of speed when running BASIC, but this architecture would also allow for the running of assembly (i.e. machine code) as well, which would be much faster than even tokenized BASIC.
Furthermore, in my opinion, a hardware-based approach to BASIC would make the processor inflexible.
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14 February 2007, 21:31 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Rare TI Calculator Prototype
(Web Page)
*plug* I ma making a program for the 68k calculators called Mathematica (working title) that will have many features, perhaps even including the facilitation of redefinition of syntax...
Ahem. Now that that is out of the way, I would like to say that that would be an interesting idea, in my opinion. However, I do not like the Haskell syntax. For some reason, I only like the syntax of ~XML-based languages and C-based languages (e.g. HTML, PHP, C, C++, etc). It seems that other languages' syntax is less efficient for some reason.
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14 February 2007, 21:38 GMT
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