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Virtual TI v2.5 Beta 5 Source Code


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Filename vtisrc.zip (Download)
Title Virtual TI v2.5 Beta 5 Source Code
Description Virtual TI v2.5 beta 5 source code
Author Rusty Wagner (rusty@acz.org)
Category Windows Utilities
File Size 573,586 bytes
File Date and Time Tue Mar 21 01:22:34 2000
Documentation Included? No
Source Code Included? Yes


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Archive Contents
Name Size
Z80IO.h   4808
z80dasm.h   21784
Z80DAA.H   17365
Z80Codes.h   9368
Z80CDX86.H   12556
Z80.h   8526
Z80.cpp   141122
About.cpp   1809
Vti.cpp   15926
Vti.bpr   6115
VKEY.CPP   24925
VALUE.H   1009
ti92plus.cpp   34691
Ti92.ico   766
ti92.cpp   42642
ti89.cpp   58070
ti86.cpp   77992
ti85.cpp   29795
ti83.cpp   37824
ti82.cpp   32777
Start.h   865
Start.dfm   1035
Start.cpp   532
Search.h   1042
Search.dfm   796
Search.cpp   844
rom.h   3313
rom.cpp   60603
Redef.h   831
Redef.dfm   481
Redef.cpp   540
READCPU.H   2276
OPCODE9.CPP   38460
OPCODE8.CPP   36796
OPCODE6.CPP   10386
OPCODE5.CPP   51110
OPCODE4.CPP   88203
OPCODE3.CPP   30895
OPCODE2.CPP   34551
OPCODE1.CPP   30569
opcode0.cpp   81927
Opcode~1.cpp   80322
memory.h   1095
MC68KMEM.CPP   7573
m68kdasm.cpp   46499
M68000.H   1080
LOG.H   1226
LOG.DFM   925
LOG.CPP   2544
LinkType.h   1321
LinkType.dfm   1911
LinkType.cpp   1651
link.h   196
link.cpp   5517
Gotodialog.h   1027
Gotodialog.dfm   646
Gotodialog.cpp   806
Entry.h   1084
Entry.dfm   684
Entry.cpp   9524
EmuMode.h   1219
EmuMode.dfm   1113
EmuMode.cpp   6966
EditLog.h   1092
EditLog.dfm   598
EditLog.cpp   18309
Dumpwnd.h   917
Dumpwnd.dfm   525
Dumpwnd.cpp   747
Dumprom.h   12486
Dumprom.c   1543
Dump.h   671
Dump.cpp   4051
Debug.h   7593
Debug.dfm   13051
Debug.cpp   98952
datatype.h   3223
Data.h   1166
Data.dfm   735
Data.cpp   9810
CYCLETBL.H   272247
CPUTBL.H   44137
Cpufunc.cpp   98785
cpudefs.h   10172
calchw.h   19770
asmmem.asm   8570
asmintf.cpp   12893
AddLog.h   2231
AddLog.dfm   4104
AddLog.cpp   820
AddData.h   1518
AddData.dfm   1650
AddData.cpp   1686
About.h   1175
About.dfm   8820
Vti.txt   10728
Emu.cpp   91141
ti83plus.cpp   34996
ti73.cpp   31575
jfif.cpp   3865
jpdecomp.cpp   27727
jpdedu.cpp   17195
JPDEHUFF.cpp   8389
jpdequan.cpp   6324
jpeg.cpp   1649
jpegdeco.cpp   41852
jpegenco.cpp   72011
Jpegfmt.cpp   1194
jpencomp.cpp   31967
jpendu.cpp   8462
bitimage.cpp   28482
jpenhuff.cpp   13677
jpenquan.cpp   3566
EmuThread.cpp   4149
SetupWizard.cpp   9841
ROMWizard.cpp   59182
Trap.cpp   471
WizardBmp.cpp   548
VarWnd.cpp   541
LblWnd.cpp   529
Sound.cpp   3993
Emu.h   8399
VIDEO.H   239
ti89.h   196
ti86.h   196
ti85.h   196
ti82.h   6053
ti83.h   196
ti92.h   196
ti92plus.h   204
keypad.h   138
CC68K.H   4530
ti83plus.h   204
ti73.h   196
jpendu.h   2039
bitimage.h   9993
grexcept.h   1709
jfif.h   2127
jpdecobk.h   1197
jpdecomp.h   5634
jpdedu.h   3642
jpdehuff.h   2654
jpdequan.h   3032
jpeg.h   2725
jpegdeco.h   5697
jpegenco.h   8987
Jpegfmt.h   366
jpencobk.h   1585
jpencomp.h   6587
jpenhuff.h   3254
jpenquan.h   1957
jpgexcep.h   2128
jpmarker.h   3492
EmuThread.h   541
SetupWizard.h   2579
ROMWizard.h   2879
rom89.h   4641
Trap.h   1736
WizardBmp.h   900
rom86.h   2771
VarWnd.h   820
LblWnd.h   808
Sound.h   316
USGARD.H   11803
TI-85.H   5353
rom85u.h   2928
rom85z.h   2938
rom82.h   2856
cc68kf2.h   3409
rom92f2.h   4655
rom83.h   2961
rom83p.h   2863
Emu.dfm   5558
SetupWizard.dfm   6355
ROMWizard.dfm   6285
Trap.dfm   3316
WizardBmp.dfm   311075
VarWnd.dfm   496
LblWnd.dfm   434
Unit1.cpp   517
skinwnd.cpp   29847
skintest.cpp   13348
skinprop.cpp   1753
skinkeys.cpp   848
skinabt.cpp   478
skin.cpp   1500
Emu92.cpp   73825
Emu89.cpp   580
Unit1.h   768
skinwnd.h   2895
skintest.h   1959
skinprop.h   1925
skinkeys.h   829
skinabt.h   938
Emu92.h   7146
Emu89.h   801
skinwnd.dfm   2303
skintest.dfm   886
skinprop.dfm   2356
skinkeys.dfm   392
skinabt.dfm   640
Emu92.dfm   4518
Emu89.dfm   283
skin.bpr   4893
vti.bpg   814
VTISetup.bpr   5108
Unit1.dfm   312
setup.ico   766
InstallWnd.h   1833
InstallWnd.dfm   43181
InstallWnd.cpp   12312
VTISetup.cpp   708

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