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Wal-Rush! CE (2016)


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Filename walrushce.zip (Download)
Title Wal-Rush! CE (2016)
Description Wal-Rush! CE is a port of JWinslow23's PC game called Wal-Rush!, which he made for CodeWalrus Contest II. He also made an Atari 2600 version and now I have ported the game to the TI-83 Premium CE and TI-84 Plus CE calculators! In this game, you control Walrii, the CodeWalrus mascot, in its winged form, and must fly your way through various obstacles while eating floating fishes. The game is written in hybrid TI-BASIC with the help of an ASM library called Sprites v3.3, by grosged, which can be downloaded at https://tiplanet.org/modules/archives/download.php?id=539203 . The game features fast speed and Atari-like graphics. Unlike the original games, however, this calculator port is in color instead of grayscale and there is an extra obstacle to avoid. NOTE: This game will NOT run on the TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition! An older version using CE Textlib v1.1, by DrDnar, is also included in the ZIP file.
Author Dream of Omnimaga (omnimaga@gmail.com)
Category TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition/CE BASIC Games
File Size 6,479 bytes
File Date and Time Mon May 17 16:17:14 2021
Documentation Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
old version/readme.txt   2555
old version/WALRUSH.8xp   3214
readme.txt   3417
WALRUSH.8xp   3242

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