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Slime Volleyball


Ranked as 3712 on our all-time top downloads list with 8156 downloads.
Ranked as 3872 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 4 downloads.

Filename slime.zip (Download)
Title Slime Volleyball
Description Play the classic game of Slime Volleyball on your calculator! Features 2 player mode, and a 1 player with AI!
Author LD Studios (contact.ldstudios@gmail.com)
Category TI-Nspire Lua Games
File Size 5,937 bytes
File Date and Time Sun Apr 6 19:48:26 2014
Documentation Included? No
Source Code Included? No



Review by  Mike Roberts
Reviewed on 2022-04-25
Slime Volleyball is for me one of the best calculator games there is. It's so simple that anyone can understand the game, even if they've never played before. That's how a good game should be structured. The game also has the perfect length for a calculator game and another plus point is that you can pause it.

What is so unbelievably good about it is the two-player mode, which allows real live play, which is not possible in any other game. The fact that you can also play the whole game alone completes the game and makes it the perfect TI-nspire game.

I can't think of anything that could be done better in this programme. A clear 10 out of 10!!!!


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Archive Contents
Name Size
Slime Volleyball v.1.0.tns   5838

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