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Doors CS 7.4


Ranked as 42 on our all-time top downloads list with 125062 downloads.
Ranked as 18 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 58 downloads.
Ranked as 344 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 8.07.

Filename dcs7.zip (Download)
Title Doors CS 7.4
Description Doors CS 7.4 is the ultimate shell and GUI for your TI graphing calculator. Run any BASIC or ASM program or game, including MirageOS, Ion, Doors CS, and nostub programs. Organize your programs into nested folders, lock, rename, copy, archive, hide, and edit programs directly from Doors CS, or use the HomeRun feature to run any program from the TI-OS homescreen. Doors CS is built to be extremely user-friendly, using a mouse-based interface to appeal to users accustomed to using computers who are frustrated by the many menus one must navigate on a TI calculator. On the opposite end of the user spectrum, it includes myriad keyboard shortcuts so that those who prefer to use a keyboard rather than a mouse can quickly and efficiently move through Doors CS. The Associated Program feature lets you click on any file, like game levels, documents, pictures, and songs, and have them automatically open with the correct viewer program. The CALCnet2.2 networking library makes possible communication and multiplayer gaming between two, twenty, or two billion calculators. Doors CS 7 contains full libraries for xLIB, Celtic III, PicArc, Omnicalc, and the new DCSB Libs; TI-BASIC programmers can now even use CALCnet. Doors CS 7.4 introduces support for the latest TI-84 Plus models, resolving problems with display drivers. Download Doors CS 7 today and experience the full power of your calculator!
Author Kerm Martian (admin@cemetech.net)
Category TI-83/84 Plus Flash Shells
File Size 665,545 bytes
File Date and Time Thu Nov 17 18:15:01 2022
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? No



Review by  Kaaiman Music
Reviewed on 2022-11-27
Wow, who would have thought that this magnificent shell still would be updated after so many years? Although I've never (consciously) experienced the bugs that were fixed in 7.3 ('Adds the corrected Goto option for BASIC errors from Doors CSE 8.0. Removes the Easter egg from Doors CS 6 through 7.2.') and 7.4 ('Repairs support for newest TI-84 Plus LCD drivers, fixes a TI-BASIC library regression discovered during testing.') Doors CS 7 is definitely the ultimate shell for the monochrome TI-84+ (SE).

I've used my TI-83+ and TI-84+ SE a lot in the mid 2000s, the pinnacle years of the TIcalc community. MirageOS was probably the best shell out there by then. By the time Doors CS 7.1 came out I switched to Doors CS as my default shell. Very stable and packed with lots of OS hooks and libraries I used (e.g. Omnicalc, xLIB, etc.).

But since the early 2010s my calcs started collecting dust. I still have them, though, and every now and then I recharge the batteries, push the buttons and sniff the nostalgia the calcs carry.

How funny is it to load a program, time stamped 2022, on a calc I bought as a teenager, 16 years ago! :-)

I highly recommend to ditch any old shell like Ion or MirageOS and all kinds of separate libraries, and use Doors CS 7 instead!

Excuse me now, I'm gonna charge my batteries and update Doors CS 7.2 to the brand new 7.4!

See 24 more reviews


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Archive Contents
Name Size
Other Versions/TI-83/Professional/adcs_pro.83p   4649
Other Versions/TI-83/Professional/ZLOAD.83P   507
Other Versions/TI-83/Standard/adcs_standard.83p   4024
Other Versions/TI-83/Standard/ZLOAD.83P   507
Other Versions/TI-83/VERY_Important_Readme.txt   242
Other Versions/VERY_Important_Readme.txt   241
README.txt   4194
DoorsCS7.8xk   117071
DCS74_Manual.pdf   677670

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