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Fourier Series v1.00


Ranked as 26447 on our all-time top downloads list with 2204 downloads.
Ranked as 1062 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 10 downloads.

Filename fourierseriesv1.00.zip (Download)
Title Fourier Series v1.00
Description A Fourier series is a series of sums of sines and cosines that approximate any function over a period of your choice. Since it is a series, there are an infinite number of terms but you are, obviously, able to choose how many terms you want to compute the series up to. You will need a TI-83 plus or a TI-84 plus to run this program. This program will compute the Fourier series of any function, including a piece-wise function across any range. It is perfect for anybody who is checking their homework solutions or checking their test questions. Due to the limited speed of the TI-83 plus/TI-84 plus, the program may take some time to compute for complex functions. By complex, I mean functions that are comprised of several pieces or are, in general, complex with many parts.
Author Tanmay Mishra (tmishra2003@gmail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Math Programs (Sequence, Series)
File Size 46,298 bytes
File Date and Time Fri Nov 27 03:42:11 2009
Documentation Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
Fourier Series v1.00/Fourier Series v1.00.pdf   40278
Fourier Series v1.00/FOURIER.8xg   3127
Fourier Series v1.00/Screenshots/SCREEN01.GIF   2360
Fourier Series v1.00/Screenshots/SCREEN02.GIF   2138
Fourier Series v1.00/Screenshots/SCREEN03.GIF   2669
Fourier Series v1.00/Screenshots/SCREEN04.GIF   1751

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