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Ranked as 21586 on our all-time top downloads list with 2750 downloads.
Ranked as 17066 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.

Filename maplecal.zip (Download)
Title MapleCal
Description This is a side scrolling RPG, slightly based off of Maple Story. All basic weapons are given at start, and two types of armor. The current area consists of 5 maps. **Please comment and tell us what you think of this so far. Any suggestions are more than welcome.
Authors David Barnette (dtbarn@ufl.edu)
Joseph Smales (jjsmales@gmail.com)
Nick Banks (gamernb@hotmail.com)
Category TI-89 Assembly Games (Role-playing)
File Size 175,201 bytes
File Date and Time Wed Mar 5 05:29:44 2008
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes


Review by  Alan Goldman
Reviewed on 2008-02-21
Note! This review was written for a previous version of this file!

So I was just browsing through the files looking for some games to put on my Titanium after it crashed, and I stumbled upon this!

Let me first say that I know the perspective you guys are coming from, as I myself am an avid Maplestory player. This game has a TON of potential, the idea behind it is nice, as is the play style.

There's only a few small peeves I had.

First off, no instruction manual? I realize that this seems to be an early version of the release (although the game itself seems near final in my opinion).

A few things for people to note:

2nd - Attack

left/right - Move

down - pickup item

shift - items inventory

....2nd+left/right - change item category

....enter - select item

....F1-F5 - Set item to hotkey (respectively)

Diamond - Jump

Alpha - Item Index?


home - your stats!

Of course we have no idea how the distribution works on the stats, but something along the lines of Strength for a melee weapon, Dexterity for a bow, and intelligence for a wand seems right (that is how Maplestory is designed).

Plus [+] - Change your body

Minus [-] - Change your head

enter - minimap

esc - escape from most menus

Okay, sorry, just had to get that out of the way!

Anyways, the game itself:

Graphics: 10/10

You guys did an amazing job with this! From the character to the items and even such details as a monster flinch and agro. Great job!

Speed: 9/10

The actual graphics speed is fine, but due to the small size of the TI screen, and the large of your character, monsters will often come in from nowhere and you wont have time to react. This can be gotten used to though.

Usability: 7/10

The game itself is great and addicting, but, I failed to find a save button. Otherwise, this ran fine on my titanium, and we all know how titaniums hate to run stuff. I applied ghostbuster to it (a titanium patching program) and it put 1 patch on the file, nothing calculator threatening if you don't though.

Features: 9/10

Items, stats, monsters, maps, drops, this game has plenty of stuff put into it.


Questions, comments, and problems regarding the file itself should be sent directly to the author(s) listed above.

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Archive Contents
Name Size
_MapleCal/maplecal-data.89y   10270
_MapleCal/maplecal.89y   24516
_MapleCal/MapleCal.89z   1095
_MapleCal/readme.txt   4479
_MapleCal/setup.89z   16803
_MapleCal/src/enemy.c   9064
_MapleCal/src/enemy.h   9386
_MapleCal/src/extgraph.a   390600
_MapleCal/src/extgraph.h   122727
_MapleCal/src/globals.h   1762
_MapleCal/src/graphics.c   31990
_MapleCal/src/graphics.h   2154
_MapleCal/src/item.c   3869
_MapleCal/src/item.h   2530
_MapleCal/src/itemtype.c   3560
_MapleCal/src/itemtype.h   1733
_MapleCal/src/keys.c   2789
_MapleCal/src/keys.h   711
_MapleCal/src/main.c   333
_MapleCal/src/map.c   6943
_MapleCal/src/map.h   1843
_MapleCal/src/maplecal.tpr   1807
_MapleCal/src/MapleCalc.vcproj   6131
_MapleCal/src/object.c   4127
_MapleCal/src/object.h   589
_MapleCal/src/player.c   29703
_MapleCal/src/player.h   5156
_MapleCal/src/Setup/globals.h   394
_MapleCal/src/Setup/main.c   278
_MapleCal/src/Setup/maps.c   2112
_MapleCal/src/Setup/maps.h   5069
_MapleCal/src/Setup/output.c   5221
_MapleCal/src/Setup/output.h   377
_MapleCal/src/Setup/setup.tpr   1370
_MapleCal/src/Setup/Setup.vcproj   4073
_MapleCal/src/Setup/tiles.c   3780
_MapleCal/src/Setup/tiles.h   38334
_MapleCal/src/skill.c   1014
_MapleCal/src/skill.h   2814
_MapleCal/src/sprites.h   21102
_MapleCal/src/temp.txt   3209
_MapleCal/src/tiles.c   1214
_MapleCal/src/tiles.h   945
_MapleCal/src/weapon-stats.txt   1565

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