Ranked as 5065 on our all-time top downloads list with 7087 downloads. Ranked as 7141 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 1 downloads. Ranked as 37 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 8.73.
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This application adds a number of features to the TI-83+ series of graphing calculators, including running MirageOS and Ion programs from the homescreen (without either installed), running programs out of archive, editing programs out of archive, unarchiving and archiving programs within programs, startup program and shortcut keys, log( function can take an optional second parameter for bases other than 10, and it chains with Omnicalc and probably any other app using parser, rawkey, or app change hooks. Version 2.02 has all-new code, and is much more stable than previous releases. Updating is strongly urged. Startup and shortcut key functionality has been put back in. Version 2.021 has a couple of minor bugfixes. Updating from 2.02 is still recommended.
Danielle Weisz (
TI-83/84 Plus Flash Misc. Programs
File Size
174,322 bytes
File Date and Time
Thu Oct 11 18:54:46 2007
Documentation Included?
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Review by
Chris Carrow
Reviewed on
Highly recommended program. It takes only seconds to set up and adds very important features great for basic programs. As it says in the description, by installing it you can run many more programs with less apps, execute and edit archived programs, and have a save prompt when exiting edit view.
After some testing, I've determined which method this app uses for executing archived programs. When a program is run, the app copies it to RAM temporarily, and when it finishes, it is removed again. I haven't had any issues with the app leaving programs in memory or using up my RAM, so it definitely archives programs stopped prematurely with On or Quit as well. In tests, archived and unarchived programs run equally fast because it copies them to RAM first. The downside to this is that large programs will not run if you have less free memory than is required for them. For program hoarders, however, it's an excellent way to keep them all stored in flash without losing them due to crashes or battery changes.
It comes with a few negligible bugs on the TI 84+SE: the program name on the basic editing menu says 'CalcUtin' instead of the program's name, and it seems to add a ▲ symbol to the end of app names when sending apps to other calculators.
While the glitches are unfortunate, this app is extremely valuable considering what it adds to basic program management, and is a must-have for most enthusiasts.
10/10 |
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Archive Contents
| | 127222 |
CalcUtil.8xk | 30671 |
CalcUtil.asm | 65249 |
CalcUtil.hex | 35506 |
CalcUtil.zws | 2673 | | 301 | | 904 |
header.asm | 5509 |
hook.asm | 14086 |
ion.asm | 5803 |
LICENSE.txt | 15428 |
mirageos.asm | 45796 | | 268870 |
readme.txt | 8759 | | 401 |