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Ranked as 5213 on our all-time top downloads list with 6986 downloads.
Ranked as 335 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 8.10.

Filename trapped.zip (Download)
Title Trapped!
Description Trapped! is a puzzle game for the TI-83+ and is compatible with Ion and MirageOS. The gameplay involves moving and stacking various objects to reach the door in each level. You can carry and stack blocks, push P-blocks, climb ladders, and use bombs to open up a path to the exit. It gets difficult quickly, so be prepared to spend a fair amount of time on each level. Try to complete all 13 levels! Please visit the maxcoderz.net forums to leave any comments.
Author Justin Shaler (jbshaler@gmail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus Assembly Games (Ion/Puzzle)
File Size 184,393 bytes
File Date and Time Fri Feb 11 18:08:18 2005
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



Review by  Elyassin mana
Reviewed on 2018-02-11
Hmmm... A sequel to Block Dude ?

It's very good !

Grahics : 8/10 ;

Speed : 10/10 ; sometimes a bit too fast (in 15 MhZ calculators)

Levels : 9/10 ; very hard but more features that in block dude 1 like bombs, two types of blocks, push-P and white bombs I have so loved !!!

PS : I haven't completed levels 10 to 13 noxw !!!

See 1 more reviews


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Archive Contents
Name Size
TRAPPED.8XP   6918
keyval.inc   4889
SCREEN03.GIF   30137
SCREEN02.GIF   89470
SCREEN01.GIF   1484
SCREEN04.GIF   64859
trapped.z80   79764
readme.txt   5179

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