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Ranked as 5479 on our all-time top downloads list with 6773 downloads.
Ranked as 19194 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 1 downloads.

Filename pong83p.zip (Download)
Title Pong
Description A pong game that i entered into the Maxcoderz-Greenfire competition and it took 1st place! It is a fast pace and fun classic! A must download! Read more in the Readme.
Author Larry Bucio (lman83p@yahoo.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Games (Arcade/Pong, Pinball)
File Size 2,295 bytes
File Date and Time Fri Apr 16 02:03:21 2004
Documentation Included? Yes



Review by  Raging Mime
Reviewed on 2004-05-13
“Pong” is a solidly programmed game, and I can see why it won the Maxcoderz/Greenfire contest, but it's not perfect. It's fast and has very nice graphics, but the actual gameplay does have some quirks. It’s still pretty fun, but it could be a lot better.

The first thing you'll probably notice about the game is that it's not really traditional “Pong.” Because the AI never loses (the AI paddle "jumps" to wherever the ball is and then follows it), you get points just for keeping the ball in play, not for making the other paddle miss. This works, but I feel that never being able to beat the AI takes a lot of the fun out of the game. Sadly, there’s no two-player mode to let you play against a more realistic opponent. The second thing you'll notice (Larry Bucio even mentions it in the readme) is that if you get your paddle in a specific position (and it's not at all hard to do) the ball will bounce back and forth forever. As the readme mentions, moving your paddle a little bit will change this situation, but it happens often enough to be rather annoying. Also, combined with the above-mentioned scoring system, this bug lets you "cheat" and easily get as many points as you want.

I don’t mean to bash “Pong” here – Bucio’s clever use of lines and the “Pxl-Off” command to create an elegant-looking game screen, along with fast, small code, are compliments to his programming skills - but the gameplay quirks make it much less fun than it could be. It is still one of the better BASIC “Pong” games out there, but it’s not really a "must download."


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Archive Contents
Name Size
PongReadme.txt   1065
APONG.8XP   1013
APONG.GIF   1070

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