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Ice Hockey 68k v2.75


Ranked as 329 on our all-time top downloads list with 33802 downloads.
Ranked as 8311 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.
Ranked as 118 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 8.55.

Filename icehockey68k.zip (Download)
Title Ice Hockey 68k v2.75
Description Ice Hockey 68k is an excellent One or Two Player 3v3 Hockey Game! Features include TI-89 TITANIUM support, 31 Official NHL Teams, Strong AI, a Grayscale scrolling rink, Two-Player Linking Option, easily customizable, 4 Modes of Play, Team Editor, customizable game speed, well structured C source code included, Runs Fast and Smooth on HW1 and HW2 68k Calcs, and the graphics are awesome. The game also has automatic calc detection, so the same executable will run on the TI-89/Ti-89T/TI-92+/v200. The 4 Modes of play are Exhibition, Tournament, ShootOut, and Practice. Multiplayer is available in the Exhibition and ShootOut Modes. Please update to this version because it fixes a critical bug reported by Kevin Kofler.
Author Travis Fischer (fisch0920@yahoo.com)
Category TI-89 Assembly Games (Sports)
File Size 183,207 bytes
File Date and Time Sat Dec 31 03:56:46 2005
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



Review by  xlibman
Reviewed on 2023-10-27
This game is awesome. One of the feature I liked the most is that we could change the player names so of course I had to include Mat Sundins. However, the game is a bit too fast-paced compared to the original NES version. I lost 21-1 as the Toronto Maple Leafs, so this was definitively a playoff game, since they rarely win during playoffs.

See 3 more reviews


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Archive Contents
Name Size
Hockey/Hockey.89y   33767
Hockey/Hockey.89z   1095
Hockey/README/Background.jpg   2614
Hockey/README/History.txt   15763
Hockey/README/Image1.gif   13187
Hockey/README/ReadMe.html   14676
Hockey/README/ReadMe.txt   12516
Hockey/SCREEN0.GIF   4527
Hockey/Source/All.h   598
Hockey/Source/asm_strings.h   13191
Hockey/Source/Data_Gfx.h   80523
Hockey/Source/Definitions.h   8153
Hockey/Source/External Data/Data.h   59646
Hockey/Source/External Data/Font.h   5510
Hockey/Source/External Data/Save.c   3273
Hockey/Source/External Data/SaveGfx.89z   19179
Hockey/Source/External Data/SaveGfx.tpr   1207
Hockey/Source/External Data/Teams.h   3597
Hockey/Source/External.c   5774
Hockey/Source/faststr.h   5849
Hockey/Source/Font.h   10245
Hockey/Source/FS_DrawString.s   3093
Hockey/Source/Game.c   16250
Hockey/Source/Globals.h   3616
Hockey/Source/Hockey.tpr   2219
Hockey/Source/HockeyGfx.h   2522
Hockey/Source/Interface.c   12558
Hockey/Source/Link.c   13538
Hockey/Source/Main.c   13091
Hockey/Source/Misc.c   19314
Hockey/Source/Modes.c   23674
Hockey/Source/Players.c   25813
Hockey/Source/Puck.c   2965
Hockey/Source/ScrollLib.c   5091
Hockey/Source/SOURCE NOTE.txt   454
Hockey/Source/Structures.h   2148
Hockey/Source/Teams.h   11648
Hockey/Source/What's New.txt   775
Hockey/Thumbs.db   7680

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