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The Phantom Chronicles v1.1


Ranked as 1715 on our all-time top downloads list with 12090 downloads.

Filename bloop.zip (Download)
Title The Phantom Chronicles v1.1
Description An updated release of the greatest RPG for the 89, Bloop
Authors Jon Clark ()
Preston Clark (DClark9899@aol.com)
Category TI-89 BASIC Games (Role-playing)
File Size 52,758 bytes
File Date and Time Thu Jan 4 02:32:10 2001
Documentation Included? Yes



Review by  Dan Sandstrom
Reviewed on 2004-11-22
Attention span: 9/10 Keeps you glued to your calc.
Controls: 8/10 A tad sluggish.
Implementation: 10/10 Original and entertaining.
Overall: 9/10 Definitely worth the download.

The author of this game claims that this is "one of the best RPG's ever on a calc," and I tend to agree with him on this point. Bloop is a well-written game that does rank right up there with the best of them.

The story starts like this: You are Bloop, a slime living on the lower continents who wants to get out and see the world above. The story is good, if a bit linear, and will always provide you with something to do.

The standard rule of RPG's still applies to this game: BUILD LEVELS! Otherwise you will find defeat at the hands of a merciless boss. Enemies keep pace with your character (a feature I'm not too keen on) to provide you with a constant level of challenge. Along the way you find people who help you out, teach you new techniques and make your adventuring life a little bit easier.

Probably this game's greatest asset is its graphics. Even though they may be a little bit on the simplistic side, they are still entertaining. I still get a kick out of seeing Bloop ooze his way onto the title screen.

All told, this game has a lot going for it. It leaves you with that I-can't-stop-playing-it's-too-good kind of feeling.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
readme.doc   25600
bloop.89g   47316
bloop.gif   35971

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