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   Home :: Community :: Surveys :: Have you (or are you going to) buy/bought a new TI graphing calculator for going back to school?
Choice Votes   Percent
Yes 159 32.1%   
No 337 67.9%   

Survey posted 2000-08-12 18:23 by Nick Disabato.

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Re: Have you (or are you going to) buy/bought a new TI graphing calculator for going back to school?
Frostgiant  Account Info

I just bought a TI-86 for Algebra 2 and Geometry (I am taking 2 classes at the same time). After reading this, I am getting a little worried. Should I have gone for the TI-83 just because it was weaker? I wanted to get a calc that would last me through trig and calculus. I don't want to become dependant on this thing, I mainly use it just for checking my graphs (and the table of values thing is nice for x and y intercepts). I tried out the equation solver and it takes so long to punch everything it, it would be faster to do it on paper! But I want to know what I should do to stay away from being dependant on it. Thanks.

Reply to this comment    20 August 2000, 22:40 GMT

Re: Re: Have you (or are you going to) buy/bought a new TI graphing calculator for going back to school?
Spencer MacDonald  Account Info

When the teacher has you do lots of problems over and over I know I love the fact that my TI-89 does it for me. I don't think having a smart calc will make you stupid. To not become dependent just do the work out by hand first then check your answer on your calc and you will learn stuff get good grades and have a short cut when your doing that work right before class starts.

Reply to this comment    20 August 2000, 22:57 GMT

Re: Have you (or are you going to) buy/bought a new TI graphing calculator for going back to school?
Cheryl Fidel

I bought a ti-83 about a year ago, and recently bought an 83 plus. I have become completely addicted to my Ti graphing calculators. I want the whole line of calculators, all for me.

Reply to this comment    22 August 2000, 08:14 GMT

Re: Have you (or are you going to) buy/bought a new TI graphing calculator for going back to school?
Dylan Gladstone  Account Info


Having only an old Radio Shack calculator, I needed something more sophisticated for college.

So I bought a TI-89 last week.

It's been so long since I got a new calculator. I didn't realize they'd turned into fully programmable hand-held computers.

I was an assembly language programmer for around 8 years and much of that time was spent programming the 68000 in a Mac, so I'm looking forward to progamming the TI-89. First I'm going to get comfortable with the basic operation, then I'll go out and get a link-cable.

Reply to this comment    22 August 2000, 17:26 GMT

Re: Have you (or are you going to) buy/bought a new TI graphing calculator for going back to school?

I don't know if everyone has the same basic set of courses as I, but I offer the following suggestion based upon my own:

Algebra II basically equals Precalculus, so use no calculator (unless it's like a TI-25 that's been overclocked :) in Alg. II, then go semi-89-dependent in Precal. In calculus, once you have the topic mastered (and you need it for future topics in the class), go ahead and use the calculator. This way, you already know the stuff and you are just using the thing the way it was intended: as a learning tool.

Reply to this comment    24 August 2000, 23:34 GMT

Re: Re: Have you (or are you going to) buy/bought a new TI graphing calculator for going back to school?
Daniel Bishop  Account Info
(Web Page)

My suggestions:
Algebra I/Geometry: no calculator necessary
Algebra II: nongraphing scientific calc
Precal/Calculus: 82-86 (choose one)
Statistics: 83+

Reply to this comment    29 August 2000, 06:10 GMT

Re: Have you (or are you going to) buy/bought a new TI graphing calculator for going back to school?
Michael Vincent  Account Info
(Web Page)

I disagree with people saying that having advanced calculators ruins your math skills. I had a 81 in 6th grade, but I was in algebra. In 7th grade I got a 82. I was in Honors Geometry (high school course). In 8th grade I got a 83+ and 83. And now in 9th grade I got a 89. But I am in Honors Precalculus. None of these calculators has ever ruined math for me. I use my 83+ all year in math class. We are allowed to use 89s on finals, but I'm the only kid with one. I use my 89 just like the 83+. I don't use any advanced features unless I'm really stuck on a problem and can't solve it any other way.

Reply to this comment    25 August 2000, 01:03 GMT

Re: Have you (or are you going to) buy/bought a new TI graphing calculator for going back to school?
Cuco Account Info

I am not an American(Danish) as most of you are, so I don't know your school system. I'll just give you my age instead of what grade I was in.
I got my first 'real' calculator when I was 15 and it was a TI-35X so no graphing, which wasn't really necessary. I didn't get a new calculator until I was 17 when I started in Gymnasium. It was a TI-82 because that was what they recommended. Now I am 19 and considering buying a TI-89. Why? Because I'll need it for university (next year) and I want some time to get farmiliar with it.
I don't think calculators are necessary until you start using non-calculable functions such as sine, cosine or exp(x), because you can easily do other math by hand. Drawing the graphs by hand is also useful because it improves your impression of the equation. Later you won't need a calculator to see the graph, you can just picture it. So a calculator should only be used when you have a real need for it. How many people have use calc capable of doing integrals while they're in 7th or 8th grade? (I presume that's around 13-14 y.o.) Btw, in Denmark the tests are made up of a non-calc part and a calc part. That way you can design the questions so that they can't be solved without a calculator forcing the students to learn the more advanced functions of the calculator. Any calc with CAS is not allowed on the tests unless otherwise specified. I can take it to my physics-test this year e.x.

Reply to this comment    27 August 2000, 01:26 GMT

Re: Have you (or are you going to) buy/bought a new TI graphing calculator for going back to school?
Codeman  Account Info
(Web Page)

I really don't see a problem at all buying any type of calculator as long as you can do the math without it. I actually didn't buy one until last september when I needed one for Geometry. I bought a 83+, then got a used 83, a 82, a 85 and 86. I planned to get a 89 but I kept putting it off and then summer vacation started and now I will get one soon. And to be honest I didn't buy any of these with my money and the 83 82 85 were given to me by people who didn't need or want them anymore. Not being able to use a calculator on a test is a dumb idea as long as you have to show how you got it, because sometime even if you know how to do it figuring it all out by hand can take forever. I just became a junior in High school and didn't even know the calculators existed until my freshman year and in just a few months of getting one I had learned how to program them and work almost all of them. I am not getting the 89 to do my work for me or to add it to the electronic toys I have but just for plain fun with it.

Reply to this comment    27 August 2000, 04:15 GMT

Re: Have you (or are you going to) buy/bought a new TI graphing calculator for going back to school?
Knight/Rocket  Account Info

I already have. I got an 89 last week and I am still figuring out the subtle nuances of programming. Does anyone out there know of a good tutorial for BASIC-89? I learned the 83 and 83+ easily, but the 89 uses different commands and baffles me.


Reply to this comment    27 August 2000, 20:26 GMT

Re: Re: Have you (or are you going to) buy/bought a new TI graphing calculator for going back to school?
justin greczyn  Account Info

I hear you brother. I know the programing codes for 83 and 83+ basic like the back of my hand. But the 89 is still a little shakey. I just got a new 86 i can program on it pretty well already (becaus eit is simalar to the 83+ alittle) and i can almost program on it in assembly but it still confuses the heck out of me. I would also be interested in an 89 basic tutorial. Please help us!!

Reply to this comment    30 August 2000, 04:08 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Have you (or are you going to) buy/bought a new TI graphing calculator for going back to school?
Nathan Walters  Account Info

my suggestion: d/l a simple BASIC game or program, and go through it, learning what does what. I like basic on the 89/92(+) b/c you can do kewl menu stuffs.
Try not. Do, or do not. There is no Try.

Reply to this comment    30 August 2000, 13:42 GMT

Re: Have you (or are you going to) buy/bought a new TI graphing calculator for going back to school?
Mikah Woodward  Account Info
(Web Page)

I eventually hope to buy a 83 + Ag Ed. (silver for you non-chem types), a 86, a 89, and a 92+, and maybe sell my 92. (hey, can't live without the high contrast screen)

It probably won't be for any going back to school event though.

Let me tell you a little story of my lovely TI-92 that did all my homework for me. To make a long story short (heh) After a few weeks, I realized that I wasn't learning anything, but, thankfully I had the self discipline to stop using the calc's more advanced functions.

Reply to this comment    18 February 2001, 10:23 GMT

Re: Re: Have you (or are you going to) buy/bought a new TI graphing calculator for going back to school?
calc_collector Account Info
(Web Page)

Are you still selling your 92. Is it the Plus or regular?? What's your price???

Reply to this comment    18 August 2001, 06:43 GMT

Re: Have you (or are you going to) buy/bought a new TI graphing calculator for going back to school?
calc_collector Account Info
(Web Page)

Hey all: I remember when I was in 7th grade looking thru the Radio Shack catalogs, at one of Casio's first graphing calcs. It had a graph screen the area of about a quarter the screen of an 83. IT was the most awesomest thing back then because I could write alphanumerics with it! Someone stole it in my freshman year. I didn't get another until my junior year, (the original 83). Now I am a Radio/TV major in college, (not a single math class in 2 1/2 years.) I just bought HP's top-of-the-line 49G, and just got an 89. Call me stupid, but I have to have all the toys!!!!

Reply to this comment    18 August 2001, 06:40 GMT
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