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   Home :: Community :: Surveys :: What percentage of programs that you make do you upload?
Choice Votes   Percent
0-20% 68 32.7%   
20-40% 34 16.3%   
40-60% 21 10.1%   
60-80% 31 14.9%   
80-100% 22 10.6%   
I don't upload at all! 32 15.4%   

Survey posted 2004-03-09 15:43 by Morgan.

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Re: What percentage of programs that you make to you upload?
Konrad Meyer  Account Info
(Web Page)

I'd be in the 2nd category.

Reply to this comment    10 March 2004, 00:43 GMT

Re: What percentage of programs that you make to you upload?
Jiaqi Wu  Account Info

Most of my programs I don't upload because there's no point since there are probably about 100 other programs already that do the same thing.

Reply to this comment    10 March 2004, 02:44 GMT

Re: What percentage of programs that you make to you upload?
TiBasic  Account Info
(Web Page)

I like making program that are useful is someway or another. So when I upload them I know that they will most likely be used. However I test them before they hit the net.

Reply to this comment    10 March 2004, 03:11 GMT

Re: Re: What percentage of programs that you make to you upload?
TiBasic  Account Info
(Web Page)

oops me bad... I meant to add 80% - 100% before all the talking and super fast typing

Reply to this comment    10 March 2004, 03:12 GMT

burntfuse  Account Info

Same here.

Reply to this comment    11 March 2004, 22:06 GMT

Re: What percentage of programs that you make to you upload?
VoidedProgrammer  Account Info
(Web Page)

Its not that I don't make a lot of programs (a computer scientist writes endless numbers of them), its just that they end up being for PC architectures, or if its for machine architorture, IA32. I just never get around to the conversions.

Reply to this comment    10 March 2004, 04:36 GMT

Re: What percentage of programs that you make to you upload?
tal_oz  Account Info

I upload about 60-80% of my programs. I have about 30% of programs that help me on my big programs. ie, AOE, my RPG sword master, and windows. I dont make silly programs like SOME people do. I make programs to either help myself on my newest program or to help others like on math tests.

Reply to this comment    10 March 2004, 15:17 GMT

Re: What percentage of programs that you make to you upload?
Michael McElroy Account Info
(Web Page)

I picked 0-20% because the large majority of my programs are never published. Most of them are just little helper apps written to assist my other programs; however, there are a few very useful ones I've never published. For a complete list of all the files on my TI-89 from my last backup (December 13, 2003), check out
http://www.bugstew.net/mike/list.txt (the Web Page link above).

Reply to this comment    10 March 2004, 21:23 GMT

Re: What percentage of programs that you make to you upload?
chemoautotroph Account Info
(Web Page)

I'm very picky about what I upload, in fact, Music Station was on my website for over 6 months before I uploaded it.

As far as developments, my "projects" folder has about 34 different folders in it, 5 of which I have actually released. On the other hand, I keep all those dead projects because I reuse the code a lot, and so in a way, I release all of my software in portions.

Reply to this comment    11 March 2004, 02:31 GMT
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