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Ranked as 33180 on our all-time top downloads list with 1424 downloads.
Ranked as 2204 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 10 downloads.

Filename loading2.zip (Download)
Description This BASIC program is meant to be used as a start-up program with the start-up app. It can be adjusted, it is NOT locked. What it does is displays a clever loading bar that shows up when the calculator turns on and takes a few seconds to finish. Write a review if you want an updated
Author Tyler Parker (cryptanalysist@hotmail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Misc. Programs (Development Tools)
File Size 740 bytes
File Date and Time Thu Feb 28 17:11:04 2008
Documentation Included? Yes


Review by  Alex Gr.
Reviewed on 2014-03-18
It's a fun little program that does what it should do.It shows a loading bar and displays "LOADING". The loading bar appears and then disappears ,than the cycle is done and the calculator starts.

I would recommend to put in a ClrDraw command in the start of the program otherwise it will display the whole thing over you current display of your graph. Also it needs a AxesOff and CoordOff command in the start and a AxesOn and CoordOn command in the end so that the "loading screen" isn't displayed over your normal Graph window.

I tested it on a TI-84 Plus.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
LOADING.8xp   133
README.txt   911

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